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Morrighan's Diary Entree #3

by Paladin of the Raven Queen Morrighan Shadowmore

Day 3 on the island. My adventure begins. This time I go to the Sapphire Thorn to meet the other tavern owner. River the Orc. Ordered a Strawberry Sorbet as well as a nice beef stew. While enjoying my breakfast and music Fen the not-as-ragged shows up and joins me at my small table for 2. Turns out he was assigned to keep an eye on me. A little much, but hey since he's stuck with me I tell him my story and recruit him to my cause. He seems to be cool with it as it gets him off of guard duty. Shortly afterwards our small table is joined by both Gnarlis and Travian from yesterday. we all quickly shifted to a bigger table and gave proper introductions. Fen guides us to the Church of the Raven Queen to gather more information. afterwards it was revealed to me that the book exists outside the city walls. Fen in all his excitement wants to jump the walls and circumvent the laws. I just can't have that and suggest that we at least try to take the more... diplomatic approach. After some initial resistance, I was able to convince Fen of my approach, this leads us to the council where we were quickly granted permission to leave but with the caveat that we investigate the mystery murder of Levina Riverlight in the Tainted District. Fen the Distressed suggested we rest the night and that we meet up at the Turquoise Turtle to start our adventure...
I'm pretty excited!