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Sun 7th Jun 2020 03:12

Morrighan's Diary Entree #4

by Paladin of the Raven Queen Morrighan Shadowmore

I woke up, went to our planned meeting spot with Fen. Gnarlis was already there.... but was underneath the stairs for some reason? Somehow I don't think he likes sitting at tables, which is unexpected and random. After I seat myself, he proceed to... ungracefully leave his spot. After a while of chatting and getting to know each other it dawned upon us that the Bard didn't show up. after a quick investigation it turn's out he has entered into the unending sleep we hear about on this island.
Elizabeth, the same person that diagnosed the bard's comatose state also reveals to us that Laveena was killed by vampires and warns us of the mansion in the Tainted District and tells us to avoid it. With that we took off to the Tainted District.
They were not joking with that title. as upon arrival we all emptied our breakfast due to the putrid stench in the air. Fen had the idea to go visit his late mother's ruined Apothecary in search of anything that may be helpful. We found a holly symbol of a sort. With that we decided to head to the Catacombs. We... learned that stealth is not our forte, as none of us were sneaky and we alerted the enemy cultists that were there. With stealth thrown out the window we charged into the Catacombs. There was a handful waiting for us that we took out efficiently. I'm proud of myself. Along the way we learned that it was taken over by cultists and Zombies. Apparently doors were the real danger here along with the other two's idiotic way of "handling" them, that is, until I reminded them that Fen has a key. I swear that I was the only adult here until some tiny children CHILDREN cultists bested me. After I came to, I discovered that the others were able to diffuse the situation and we decided to escort them back to town to take them to a safe place. On the way out though, the children lead us to a small treasure trove where we got a lot of shiny goodies.
Elizabeth was NOT amused by our two gifts we brought her, even after we took care of them and fed them and reassured they would be safe.