Review of People on the Ship by Pleiades | World Anvil

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Thu 30th Mar 2023 03:42

Review of People on the Ship

by Pleiades Solace

I don't feel like talking about myself today, so I decided to talk about everyone else. At least, everyone on this ship who I have a particular opinion of. I have my list of people here, so I shouldn't mess up any names on this one.
First off is Captain of course, and although I was skeptical of him in the beginning, I quickly realized how much I underestimated him. He's the best captain anyone can ask for! He's intelligent yet modest, ethereal yet personable, strong and brave, and overall amazing in every way. There is nothing I could ask more for. ...Actually, there is one thing. I wish that he would smile more. I like his smile, but he never seems happy about anything except maybe Ensign Wolf.
Speaking of Ensign Wolf... I mean... Ensign Fox. I doubt she remembers, but she is one of the main reason I decided that the people on this ship was worth something. To her, it might have been an off hand comment to someone she met in the hallway, but it really meant a lot to me. She's been trying to encourage me lately, so I feel a bit bad about the fact that I am not taking any of her advice seriously. ...And, I didn't miss the slight hint of fear behind her eyes. Whether that be because of my lack of self preservation or a genuine fear of me as a person... That is a question for another day.
Ensign Vash... *Sigh* To be honest, looking at her makes me angry. And not because she is incompetent... Although there are times when I wonder what possesses her to do the things she does... But that isn't the reason I am upset at her. Truth be told, I'm envious of her. At least, from how I see her, she it a bit similar to me in that she has no ambition or inspiration, and yet she looks so happy every day... So... loved... To me, she represents everything I could have been. She reminds me that I will never be able to blend into human society.
Who is next...? Oh, Ensign Passinissi. ...I... Don't trust her. Not that I think she will do something that would be damaging to me, quite the opposite actually. For a counselor who's supposed to hide the fact that she isn't judging her patients, I can't help but feel like she is judging me. Grant it, I admit that I am broken to the point beyond repair, and she probably does an excellent job with her other patients, but people like her who's not good at manipulation and deception should have never associated themselves with me. ...Perhaps I pity her in that sense that she was forced to talk to me.
Doctor Connors.... He's an interesting case to me. When I first started talking to him, I quickly realized that this man is not capable of taking care of himself and his surroundings. If we lose our only "doctor", then we lose peace of the ship and I cannot allow that, so lately I've been forcing my way into his life so that I can at least control him to a certain extent. I suppose he took that as an indication that he can send me to the bridge meetings instead of going there himself. ...Though another thing that concerns me is that after I learned that previous captain passed, I came to learn his name. I... Don't have a specific disdain towards him like all of the others I learned the names of. In fact, besides the fact that he is quite childish, I find him more favorable than most people on this ship. So now I'm very confused about my name learning skills.
Nurse Wallace... Please take care of Doctor Connors I'm begging you...
Ensign Cruz.... Admittedly I feel that I was too cold to her during the party. I hope to apologize to her soon. Though, during the mutiny, I really didn't expect her to run like a wild boar and pick a fight with someone who we probably should have lost to. I thought that I was the maddened guard dog, but she might give me the run for my money with that title...
Ah, Ensign T'Lyn. I never got the chance to talk to her, but I do have strong opinions about her. Although I believe I shouldn't make friends for various reasons, if I was forced to... Maybe if Captain asks me to make a friend... I'd probably try Ensign T'Lyn first. While doing my rotation in engineering, I noticed some of her behaviors felt... Familiar? Of course, she'd probably wouldn't want to touch me with a ten foot pole if she ever learns what lurks inside of me, but I somehow get the feeling that we would get along just fine until then. At the very least, we can be those friends who claims that we're friends so that people stop pestering us to make one, and just read a book silently next to each other instead of talking.
Petty Officer Mostafa.... Ah.... I... Am afraid of him. To a wolf in sheep's clothing who wishes for nothing but to live amongst the sheep without complications, there is nothing more frightening than a sheep who can sniff out the wolves. I fear that he is exactly that. Even though I feel like I shouldn't be afraid anymore now that a couple of people already know about my true nature, but perhaps the reason I still fear that man is because I still managed to hide certain parts of myself away.
Ah, Weisselberg... I don't have too much comment about him. Other than that he looked kind of histerical when he threatened to shoot me out of the airlock and I tried to tempt him into actually doing it. Hmph, a sheep in a wolf's clothing should just give up an stay a sheep. ...Why... Would a sheep pretend to be a wolf? That's so... illogical.
Ozier can go to Hell. I understand his viewpoint and why he did what he did. But he could have gone about it in a more peaceful way. He should be glad that the captain is such a kind person.
Williams can go **** *** **** and ** ** ******* ****. I would love nothing more than to ***** her ***** and make her regret that she was ever born by ******* *** her *****. What makes me confused is that, I understand why Ozier acted up, but I cannot wrap my head around why she acted up. I could ask Captain but I have a feeling he wouldn't tell me. She's another person who should be glad that the captain is such a kind person. The only thing stopping me from going to the room she is in without caring about all the laws I'd be breaking is him.
That is all I have to say about people on this ship. Everyone else might as well be a blob to me. Although there was that one puppy who caught my attention, but I already forgot her name.
....Actually, I do have one thing I want to say about everyone on this ship. Why is everyone so effing tall?