Cadet's Log Stardate 18759.5: Away Mission to Cobar 4 by Pleiades | World Anvil

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Tue 4th Apr 2023 06:23

Cadet's Log Stardate 18759.5: Away Mission to Cobar 4

by Pleiades Solace

We began the day with a bridge meeting which I was to attend due to Doctor Connors being too busy to attend himself. We came to the conclusion that we would need a map of sorts in order to navigate the Beta quadrant: specifically in order to avoid the Romulan Space Empire territory. The Captain pointed out two factions nearby where we could potentially find a map. The first was the Kremda Syndicate, Captain mentioned that they were an enemy of Romulan Empire when his mother was there, and the T'uvar, who was in a tense political standoff with the empire. We scanned for a class M planet with warp capability, where we found the Planet Cobar 4. We took one of our shuttle while the U.S.S. Electra stayed out of orbit. I requested the captain that I join on this away mission, and he agreed while assigning himself and Ensign Fox as well.
When we got to Cobar 4, although we were not able to get the specific details about this civilization, we observed how the locals dressed, and thus replicated clothing for ourselves in order to blend in. When we arrived to the town, we noticed there were multiple species living on the desert-like planet, and I was able to find a silver coin which we noticed were a part of their currency. Without knowing how much it was worth, or if it was enough to buy a star map, we went to seek a man named Tamin who seemed to have been an outlaw known by the locals. This was also when we learned that we were in the Kremda Syndicate. Tamin posed a price of 500 for the star map and we decided to try and collect some currency to see if it was within our realm of possibility. Specifically, we sold water and medical services to the locals to see how much we could make after a little while. In order to replicate water however, we brought our shuttle to a docking station inside the town, which lead to Crewmen Hollins being taken by the Kremda Syndicate and our shuttle being stolen.
We made our way to the palace which we learned that Crewmen Hollins were taken to, and decided that the best plan would be for Ensign W- Fox to pose as a powerful business women and for me and Captain to act as slaves to give as gifts to the local lord. With this we were let into the palace and I was separated from the rest of the group. They took me to the kitchen where they told me to polish some silverware, allowing me the opportunity to steal a knife. Uh... Ignoring Captain's orders to stay low, I then made my way over to the guard and stabbed him with the knife when he got distracted. I went into what I believed was the armory, which turned out to be a guard station. I ran away with guards behind me to the shuttle bay where I found our shuttle and decided to go inside in the hopes of getting supplies. Uhm... Two of the guards made it inside before I fully finished closing the door and so I killed one with my knife, and killed the other with the electric spear I stole from the one which I had already killed. Uh... After that, I saw that the Captain was in a standoff with the Kremda Syndicate bounty hunter Demda, and so I went out of my shuttle and shot plasma blasts towards Demda using the weapons I stole from the two guards I killed. Eventually we were able to defeat Demda, but three other guards came out to the deck with a rocket launcher. Although I was not hit directly by it, the collateral damage wounded me badly and I went unconscious.
I woke up in Medical of U.S.S. Electra being told that Captain, Ensign Fox, and Crewmen Hollins made it back safely, with Captain and Ensign Fox acquiring a map from the ship they were forced to steal, as they used the shuttle to get me and Crewmen Hollins back. I was able to get back safely despite my unconscious state, thanks to Crewmen Hollins driving the shuttle back despite her wounds.
Overall, the entire event that led to the downfall of our mission is to be blamed on me for my lack of care.

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