Personal Log: Stardate 15520.7 by Pleiades | World Anvil

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Mon 20th Mar 2023 08:18

Personal Log: Stardate 15520.7

by Pleiades Solace

Ensign Wolf's trial was today.
Captain asked me to act as a witness, which never happened as Ensign Von didn't really do a good job defending her. Though admittedly, the punishment wasn't that bad. I might even be able to work with her since one of her punishment was to work in medical for a little while!
During the trial, I sat there while being reminded of why I found myself in this messed up situation. Honestly, I feel like a clown. Participating in Electra Bingo in the hopes that Ensign Wolf would praise me for it, only to be labeled a problem child then have her say that she thought no one would be stupid enough to actually do the bingo.
I've been acting so strange lately. And that incident on Damitar is to blame. If that didn't happen, I would have been able to exist on this ship as a shadow.
No... Perhaps I was too naive in thinking that I could continue living without anyone paying attention to me with my current skillset. It's weird, I haven't been able to deceive everyone like before. Perhaps it's the stress of the situation I am being put through? How comical that I'm actually bothered with such things. Life is only a time wasting session until death. Perhaps I forgot about that fact lately.
Oh who am I kidding? That makes it sound as if I'm actually having fun. People like me don't deserve to have fun.
No matter. All I have to do is stay extra quiet, and hopefully people will forget about me. Starfleet academy will likely punish me for everything I've done thus far, but I might be able to use that to my advantage. Though, I'll have to be careful that my credibility doesn't plummet too much.
There are people like the Captain and Ensign Wolf who will shine brightly enough to drive any attention away from me. They're so cool.
That being said, Doctor Contours...? I worry that he will overwork himself. I'm doing everything I can to lighten his workload, but I fear that's not going to be enough. He mentioned he wanted something from an away mission, though Captain and Ensign Von shot down the idea rather quickly. I wonder if I can convince them to bring something back for him. Asking for a plant is too much, but maybe a pretty rock or something?
....Now how can I ask without them thinking I'm up to no good?