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7th-19th of Deepwinter 243 AD

Escape from Coldridge

by Silas

(Excerpts from the journal of Silas)
7th of Deepwinter
I set camp outside of Coldridge tonight with relatively little trouble. A T-Rex was stalking for prey but I was pretty easily able to avoid the gentle thing by taking cover in a small hole. Its small arms wouldn't stand a chance if it tried.
8th of Deepwinter
Patient: Eraseth (male Dragonborn, clerk at Wayne's Wares in Coldridge)
Age: Really should have noted that. Probably affects tooth decay.
Treatment: The patient complained of pain in the upper right tooth. Upon further inspection, it was plaque buildup on the second premolar on the upper right side. After giving a numbing agent, was able to scrape away most of the build-up with tartar remover scaler. Follow-up with brushing and flossing. Gum redness showed signs of poor/ little care. Recommended patient have regular care or degradation of teeth may follow.
Payment: Medical book that may have more information on dentistry (worth five silver! Practice and payment!)
I am moving on from this settlement on a stagecoach as protection going west with a gunslinger named Kender and a lizardfolk driver named Elurd. It took some convincing, but they agreed to take me on when I knocked Kender down a few times.
10th of Deepwinter
Kender, Elurd, and I ran into some bandits today. Kender took out three of them from a distance. The last was a hobgoblin whose horse I got to collapse on him. I considered mercy and asked Kender what he thought. Wordless, he shot him. The kid looked young. I don't think this life treated him well. I hope he is at rest.
12th of Deepwinter
Stopped in Deadplains for new beasts of burden. Axe Beaks. They creep me out.
19th of Deepwinter
We camped outside of Plainsedge Covert tonight and those beasts seemed to have turned on my companions. I can't get to their bodies tonight as I don't trust the Axe Beaks not to do the same to me. Damned shifty-eyed bastards! I knew there was something odd about those things. I wish that I could get to my companion's bodies and the coach. I can't leave their bodies there like that. I need to buy a shovel sometime. I hate just leaving people like this. Also, I would like to finish delivering the post. I don't want to leave the job incomplete.

Continue reading...

  1. Escape from Coldridge
    7th-19th of Deepwinter 243 AD
  2. Wonderings
    17th of Deepwinter 243 A.D.
  3. Out of the Woods
    21st-29th of Deepwinter 243 AD
  4. Looking up at the Stars
    5th of Lowsun 242 AD
  5. Trouble along the Middle Pass
    18th-20th of Wintercrest 243 A.D.
  6. Shadow's on the Middle Pass
    18th-20th of Rimefall 243 A.D.
  7. See You Later, Alligator
    24th-25th of Wintercrest 243
  8. Exodus from Deadplains
    26th-28th of Rimefall 243
  9. The Bounding of the Bulette
    9th-10th of Newgrowth