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Definition and Significance

  The Ashobic is a distinct ensemble worn by mages from Taharjin's Flame, based on early Vocru designs related to Temple Form, an aspect of Iconography. Rooted in both ancient practices and cutting-edge technology, it serves as a marker of identity, tradition, and power within the intergalactic community, and in particular, an extension of a Reshai's mastery over the art of Synthesomancy. As mages journeyed from their home planet through the universe, the Ashobic evolved to symbolize their unity, cosmic sense of self, and their relationship with the vast unknown, merging the medieval-era traditions of their homeworld with the cybernetic templates of their spiritual progenitors.  



  Of the several components below, the greatest are the Horawn, Azhka, Keystone, and Thuroo, the cornerstones of the ritual costume with deep ties to the Ethical Vectors of Will, Emotion, Discernment and Sense, respectively. Images below display an example of each vestment, with the associated primordial seed-syllable of the Varexial.  

Major Components

by image by midjourney; sigil by Paul Byron
  Horawn: The armor component of the Ashobic, which varies in extent from minimal jewelry-like pieces to full knight-like armor, depending on the wearer's preference.  
by image by midjourney; sigil by Paul Byron
  Azhka: A ritual mask, offering functionalities like holographic overlays, spectrum shifts, and minor enchantments to aid the mage in their endeavors.  
by image by midjourney; sigil by Paul Byron
  Keystone: Serving as an energetic processor, it aids mages in intensive magical operations or specific battle applications.  
by image by midjourney; sigil by Paul Byron
  Thuroo: A garment worn close to the body, it envelops the mage in its quantum embrace, offering protection through its self-healing, quantum filaments.  

Minor Components

  Kesoc: A grander mantle, often extending to the floor. Traditionally, it comes with a hood, emphasizing the mage's connection to ancient practices.   Dalil-Um: A technology inspired by Oriestrin designs, functioning as an energy conduit. Especially effective for Fluidic Dynamics.   Filigree: Delicate metalwork adorned with Iconic inscriptions, it stands as a testament to artistry and the mage's inner world.  


  In the RETURN OF THE MASTERS period, after the mages of Taharjin’s Flame first brushed against the edges of the cosmic canvas, an embryonic Order soon found its place among the stars. The universe was a larger theatre than any had imagined, and with extended perspective, old rivalries and territorialities began to blur, facilitating an entirely new vision of Tradition.   While The Hex chose to tread its own path, other mages, even those from the Exiled Tradition, recognized the immense possibilities of the cosmic confluence. This newfound unity forged the Ashobic, a symbol of their collective identity and purpose in the expanded cosmos.   Cogcrafters, devoted admirers of the Vocru Empire’s technological prowess, played a pivotal role. Through their meticulous studies and experiments, they helped bring to life a new Runebind Technology that leveraged the Iconic Inscriptions that power the four Base Languages of Power. Their contribution was the vital heartbeat of the Ashobic.   The robe's very fabric was also woven with the esoteric knowledge of the Cosmolinguists, whose deep understanding of Iconic combined seamlessly with the Cogcrafters' designs. Together, they created not just a robe, but a conduit to the universe.   But the Ashobic was more than just a garment; it was an ensemble of cosmic artistry. From the Horawn's protective embrace to the Dalil-Um's energy circuits, every component had its purpose. The Azhka, a mask of ritual significance, offered mages a unique perspective, allowing them to peer into realms unknown. Meanwhile, the Keystone served as a reservoir of energy, empowering the mage in intense magical endeavors.   Amidst all its technological marvels, the Ashobic did not forget the beauty of art. The Filigree, with its delicate Iconic inscriptions, was a testament to the mage's inner world, a step towards the ancient practice of crafting one's own Iconography.   Despite mingling, each of the four Traditions also held onto their unique identities, with its distinct version of the Ashobic, reflecting its ethos and legacy. And while the Ashobic stood as a symbol of unity and cosmic identity, its adaptability ensured that every mage could make it truly their own. Personal expression could be further channeled through the use of Ashobic accoutrements, typically including a Catalyst - devices, often shaped as weapons, to help mages hyper-concentrate the arcane power their base vestments served as a conduit for.   Over time, the Ashobic became not just a vestment but a living tapestry of the mages' journey across the stars, their evolving relationship with the Vocru technology, and their quest to understand the grand Mystery of Existence.

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