
“If the World will not naturally tend towards justice, then I must bend it into shape”
  Amarosh is one of the 5 Ancestral Dragons, the direct descendants of Tiamat and Gods of The Ruumush Amat, the predominant faith amongst members of The Draconid Strain. He is most commonly associated with Warfare in all its forms, Zeal, Idealism, Bravery and uncompromising Justice.  


Amarosh is most commonly depicted as a vicious, monstrous and mighty dragon, his green and black carapace covered in thousands of scars from the battles he has fought and won. His back, limbs and wings are covered in thick bone-like spines, shifting with his scales under the immense muscular might of his frame.  


Amarosh is most commonly characterized as a headstrong Idealist. Loyal to a fault, yet not following the orders of his mother Tiamat blindly, he is fully willing to go against her word if he deems it to be the right thing, consequences be damned. He has little patience for cowardice and political machinations, instead propagating that if those in power and determining laws do not serve justice, one ought to take things into their own hands, by any means necessary.   The stories detailing Amarosh's dedicated, righteous and uncompromising character are numerous: From those where he directly goes against Tiamats orders, to the ones where he clashes with his brother Kazarak, to heartwarming stories in which he grants righteous warriors fighting for a lost cause the strength to turn the tide, and even rare cases in which he aids the enemies of his own people because he deems their cause more just.   Many theologians draw parallels between Amarosh and Neneth, as both of them are deities which not only are fiercely loyal to Tiamat, but also stand for righteousness and justice. Where they differ is their approach, whereas Neneth tells people to protect that which they hold dear, Amarosh tells them to destroy those that would seek to harm it. Where Neneth preaches forgiveness, Amarosh preaches vengeance.  


  • Amarosh has a complicated relationship with his mother. He is her fiercest defender, hunting her enemies and bringing them to her knees, but he has called her judgment and decisions into question on numerous occasions, an act of defiance that has cost him dearly. Of the numerous scars he is usually depicted with, more than a few have been inflicted by the Mother of Dragons herself.
  • Neneth regularly converses with her brother Amarosh, often to smooth things over after one of her mothers outbursts. The two of them have a cordial relationship based on mutual respect.
  • The Idealistic and uncompromising Amarosh often calls Kazaraks judgment into question, stating that his gaze is far too easily blinded by the mortal realms riches to be its impartial judge. Meanwhile Kazarak calls Amarosh an overly emotional brute, who’s rash decisions have caused the world far more harm than good.
  • Ruu avoids interacting with Amarosh, if she can help it
  • While Amarosh understands and even appreciates why his little brother Samaron goes against their mothers will from time to time, he finds the way in which he chooses to do so dishonorable and cowardly, unbecoming of an Ancestral Dragon.
  • Followers and Worship:

    It does not come as a surprise to see that Amarosh has one of the largest followings amongst the Ancestral Dragons of The Ruumush Amat. Not only is he the prime war deity in a martial society, his unconstrained and uncompromising core message of: "Screw the law, screw the Orders, do what is right", is one that a sizable amount of people can get behind. As a war deity, his following largely consists of Soldiers and Warriors, though Amarosh has plenty of followers from all walks of life: rebellious spirits, those who were wronged in life by people in power, or simply those which were betrayed by someone they trusted dearly. Amarosh is usually invoked before/during battle, or before a court hearing with the words "may justice triumph", by his faithful.   Amarosh does neither demand sacrifice or rigorous doctrinal worship, in fact he denounces them, claiming that "justice need not be bribed". Those who wish to earn his favor instead are expected to speak oaths and promises to dedicate themselves to a just cause.  


    Fight for Justice: "The world errs on the side of righteousness, but it does not do so by nature, and there are those which would seek to twist it through their vile machinations. Like a blade, it must therefore be bent into shape and hammered straight."
    Death before Dishonor: "As a champion of mine, you not only fight on the side of Justice but represent it, even embody it. What shall the faithful think, if Justice itself surrenders before its foes. No, in our cause there shall be no compromise: Victory or Death!"
    Salt their Fields: "Forgiveness is sometimes a necessary tool of justice, as such we can address those misguided by vile machinations and unrightful laws. There shall however be no such leniency for traitors and betrayers, for those that dedicated themselves to the path of justice, only to abandon it. Destroy them, raze their false idols, salt their fields and grind their bones to dust, until not even their names are remembered."

    Titles and Aliases:

    The Righteous Rebel
    The Zealous Scourge
    The Ruiner
    The Thousand-Scarred

    Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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