
“Deception and Trickery are weapons like any other, most people just neglect sharpening them”
  Samaron is one of the 5 Ancestral Dragons, the direct descendants of Tiamat and Gods of The Ruumush Amat, the predominant faith amongst members of The Draconid Strain. He is most commonly associated with Trickery, Deception, Joy, Luck, Tomfoolery and Shenanigans.  


Samaron is the smallest of all the Ancestral Dragon, almost diminutive compared to his brothers and sisters, usually being depicted at around the same size as a particularly large Horse. His sleek and slender body is covered in metallic, black scales. He lacks the vicious spines, powerful muscles, tough armor and majestic manes, feathers and crystals the rest of his family sports, appearing utterly mundane as far as dragons are concerned at least.  


Unsurprisingly, Samaron is usually characterized as a smart, somewhat cowardly, mischievous trickster, who’s schemes and shenanigans usually land both his adversaries, allies, and even sometimes himself in a fair share of trouble. He is by far the most relaxed of all ancestral dragons and rarely takes things seriously.   Samaron is also known as The Lord of festivals. Most of the other ancestral dragons have holidays dedicated to celebrations, but none of them encourage gluttony, lack of restraint and copious drinking quite like him.   The fact that Samaron seems so different from the rest of his family, both in stature and personality, has had many theologians scratching their heads for the longest time. It has lead some of them to believe that Samaron may have been a later addition to the scriptures by mortal Draconids in order to justify their unruly and less dignified tendencies.
This theory is however viewed as heretical by the Orthodox Canon, which views The Ruumush Amat as a work of divinity.  


  • Samaron is often seen as the "black sheep" of the Ancestral Dragons, and as such his relationship with Tiamat is somewhat tenuous. Still, he performs his duties admirably and follows his mothers orders, though he tends to get a bit creative with their execution, which has earned him his mothers wrath on more than one occasion.
  • Samaron and Neneth have a relationship similar to that of an older sister with her baby brother, she regularly takes the fall for his shenanigans, though he usually ends up feeling bad for this… eventually.
  • Samaron has learned over the years how to work around his brother Kazarak, a well-placed bribe usually does the trick and ensures that the two of them have a cordial relationship despite their apparent differences.
  • Samaron can appreciate his brother Amarosh for his willingness to go against orders and do things his own way, but he considers him to be a bit of a stick in the mud, who should just learn to relax once in a while.
  • Samaron and Ruu rarely interact, though he sometimes pays her visits to play pranks on her.
  • Followers and Worship:

    As a deity that is, at least publicly, shunned by a sizable amount of Draconids, Samaron has a relatively small following, mostly consisting of revelers, tricksters, thieves, entertainers, information brokers and other criminals.
    Besides that, Samaron is often invoked during games of chance or during festivals and celebrations.   Samaron does not really have an organized clergy and therefore also doesn’t have a regular religious doctrine, though he still appreciates prayer and sacrifices dedicated to him. Those who wish to gain his favor can also do so by generally sowing (mostly) harmless chaos and shenanigans, which should ideally be directed at people with power and authority. No fun in pranking a beggar after all.  


    Reject Authority: “Sure, some degree of order is required for a functioning society, but things are so boring when everything goes smoothly. You have to keep those powerful people on their toes, have them stumble from time to time, adversity breeds excellence after all.”
    Spread the Joy: “Life is hard, it sucks, well for mortals at least, I personally am having a great time. However there are those who aren’t, those who get beaten down by life every turn they take. That’s kind of unfair, no? Help them out, spread the joy a little bit, that’s the least we lucky few can do.”
    Knowledge is Power: “Listen, us meek and meager folk, we can’t hit our problems to make them go away, so we have to be smart about things. Knowledge of your enemies weakness or the solution to a riddle can be worth more than a thousand swords under the right circumstances. Make it a habit to gather and maintain knowledge, if nothing else you can sell it to the right people.”

    Titles and Aliases:

    The Trickster
    The Prankster
    The Shrewd Deceiver
    The Joyous Jester
    The Lord of Festivals
    The False God

    Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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