
“I am the whisper on the winds, through shadows glide on lightless wings”

“I am the murmur of the deep, for mysteries are mine to keep”

“I am the calm amongst the storm, of secrets dark and given form”

“The many-faced, the one of few, the hidden one while clear in view”

“But who I am it matters not, for history itself forgot”

  Arcana is part of The Seven, the Deities of The Ur-Ashaar, which is the predominant Faith amongst The Hominid Strain. She is most commonly associated with Arcane Magic, Wizardry, Secrecy, Hidden knowledge, Mysteries, Illusions, as well as the record of the dead and the open sea.
She is also allegedly the author of the original texts of The Ur-Ashaar.  


Arcana’s portrayal is a point of much debate amongst the followers of The Ur-Ashaar. Sometimes she is described as a short and slender figure, cloaked in robes of fine blue fabrics with a silver trim, others describe her as an individual of tall and stocky build wearing commoners garbs, and everything in between. Some say she shrouds her face with a veil of silvered silk, while others say she hides her true visage behind a mask of bronze and gold and some crazed and outlandish folk even claim that Arcana’s true form is that of gasp a Man!   There is really only one thing that everyone seems to agree on, that being that no one really knows what Arcana truly looks like, and that is likely what she intended. As such, her followers are free to let their imaginations run wild, and depict her in whatever fashion they fancy.  


The thing that makes describing Arcana’s nature so difficult, is that even within The Ur-Ashaar itself, records of her interactions with both people and the other Immortals are contradictory. According to some passages, she is described as a “mischievous little runt” and delights in sowing chaos wherever she goes. Others say she is an enigmatic mastermind, weaving intricate webs of secrets and manipulating events behind the scenes.
Even within the context of her own scriptures however, in which she addresses her followers directly, her motivations and true intentions remain unclear, making it challenging for mortals to comprehend her actions fully.   One thing that everyone seems to agree on is that she possesses a keen intellect and has a love for riddles and puzzles, delighting in offering her followers ever greater challenges.   The stories of Arcana intervening in mortal affairs are almost unheard of, as her favor does not appear to be easily gained, and even harder to keep. Those she chooses to aid are often tested through great challenges of the mind and almost never succeed, but the rare few that do, reap rewards of unfathomable scale.   Arcane magic, while it existed before Arcana’s time in the form of Sorcery and Dark Pacts, has really only come into its own after Arcana allegedly invented the Art of Arcane Transmogrification, allowing even those without the power of ancient bloodlines and mighty pacts to wield the Arcane arts to their advantage through rigorous study and practice.  


Arcana rarely interacts openly with her fellow Immortals, but she certainly involves herself in their business, whether they like her to or not:  
  • Arcana and Zargoran seem to be quite fond of one another, no doubt due to their shared appreciation for secrecy, and they like bouncing ideas off of one another. According to some scriptures, it was Arcana that told Zargoran how to claim the Divine Flame from Tiamat.
  • While Enana appreciates Arcanas resourcefulness and intellect, she is not a big fan of her often more chaotic tendencies. She also considers Arcana to be an enabler for Zargorans nonsense, which frustrates her to no end.
  • Catriona cannot get a read on Arcana and that annoys her to no end. They rarely interact, which only makes things worse for Catriona, as she knows that whenever Arcana is around she is planning something, but she can’t ever figure out what in time to do something about it.
  • Arkas is openly credited with calling Arcana an “annoying little runt” and he has little patience for her riddles and puzzles. While there aren’t any records of Arcana’s personal feelings on their interactions, most scholars seem to agree that Arcana enjoys “poking the bear”.
  • Torgael appreciates that Arcana has made magic a tool which can be used by more than just a few individuals of mighty bloodlines. He also likes that she encourages her followers to think for themselves. This is almost enough for him to overlook all the rest… almost.
  • Followers and Worship:

    Due to her nature, Arcana's worshipers comprise a small but devoted group, overwhelmingly consisting of scholars, historians, archaeologists, and those drawn to the allure of the arcane arts. Her followers seek to unravel the mysteries of magic, discover secrets both hidden and lost, and explore the boundaries of knowledge others would find sacrilege.   Temples dedicated to Arcana are rare, with her worship being more clandestine and decentralized. Her followers gather in hidden enclaves, secret libraries, or isolated seafaring vessels, where they engage in rituals and ceremonies to honor their enigmatic mistress. The one exception to this is the City of Thassalophon, located on an island in a river mouth flowing into The Conflux Sea, where the clergy of Arcana not only operate openly, but are part and central to the city’s government.
    Their center of worship is known as The Azurite Archive, a great library holding a wealth of knowledge aspiring scholars and mages in other parts of Kashura can only dream of.   While Arcana is often invoked for guidance in matters of the Arcane and by those that seek lost and hidden knowledge, she rarely answers these prayers, and even if she does, the answers given usually end up giving more questions than they answer.  


    Weave Chaos, Unravel Order:
    "Let chaos be thine wondrous muse, for in its dance, creation blooms.”
    “Disrupt the stagnant ties of conformity, for truth hath never been in authority.”
    “Unravel the fabric of innovation, for in its spark lies true creation."
    Establish Order, Disperse Chaos:
    “In the song that magic sings, the only power, order brings.”
    “To cultivate ability, thou must retain stability.”
    “For growth unchecked and left to rise, hath caused a many man's demise.”
    Shroud Truth in Shadow:
    “Where in the realm of shadows lies, the truth of life in secrets’ guise.”
    “For knowledge of the misbegotten, better remain thought forgotten.”
    “As past mistakes are left to fade, thou shallt ensure they stay unmade.”
    Bring Truth to Light:
    “Old mysteries of ancient might, thou shallt reveal and bring to light.”
    “Through wise one’s gaze, secrets unfurled, alight the spark, no stone unturned.”
    “For none shall halt or strain the growth, of our people’s age-old oath.”

    Titles and Aliases:

    The Keeper of Secrets
    The Maiden of Mystery
    The Catalyst
    The Multifarious

    Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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