
“Foolish is the one that is compassionate for lack of wisdom, and cruel is the wise one lacking compassion.”
  Enana is part of The Seven, the Deities of The Ur-Ashaar, which is the predominant Faith amongst The Hominid Strain. She is most commonly associated with wisdom, rulership, justice and the law, as well as the stars, divination and warfare.  


Describing Enana's physical appearance is often a matter of interpretation, as her portrayal varies across different regions and artistic representations. She is most commonly depicted as a regal woman of ethereal beauty, giving off a feeling of elegance, but still striking a commanding figure that radiates authority.
She is often portrayed with dark olive skin, sharp features and long, flowing hair, with shades ranging from white, silver and sometimes platinum. Her eyes are usually either a deep and piercing shade of blue, or a pale white, reminiscent of the night sky or the stars respectively.
Her attire varies from place to place, but always reflects a sense of wealth, beauty and authority. She is also often depicted with a scale or wielding a bronze shield and spear.
  Enana is often associated with the stars and the night sky, which feature prominently in her depictions. Paintings, sculptures, and reliefs dedicated to her often incorporate celestial motifs, or decorate the attire she is wearing.  


Enana is most commonly described as a calm and collected, wise woman, who treats people fairly and offers advice to all those who would listen. She rarely loses her cool, but when she does, the wise queen's regality and grace give way to blind rage and fury.
Incidentally, these outbursts are often directed at her husband Zargoran as a result of his extramarital affairs.   Besides that, Enana is also known as a deity of battle and warfare, possessing skill and prowess unmatched by all but the mightiest warriors. Stories and legends recount her bravery in defending the realms of The Hominid Strain against outside threats, all while maintaining rule of law at home.   This authority is another central point of her character. Known as the Lady of the Law, Enana is viewed as a symbol of justice and fairness, passing laws that stand the test of time and establishing a just and fair society in the process.  


Enana is rather busy, and so she does not go out of her way to interact with her fellow immortals unless she has a good reason to:  
  • Enana, Zargoran Wife and partner, swings between loving him and wanting to strangle him in his sleep. Her mood towards his chaotic tendencies and shenanigans varies between mild annoyance and frustration, but she cannot help but respect him for his intellect and tactical genius. Zargoran loves his wife of course, he just wishes she would relax a little.
  • While Catriona and Enana usually get along, they rarely interact with one another, as Catriona avoids civilization wherever she can.
  • Arkas and Enana respect one another, as both of them value discipline and martial prowess, but they rarely have reasons to interact.
  • While Enana appreciates Arcanas resourcefulness and intellect, she is not a big fan of her often more chaotic tendencies. She also considers Arcana to be an enabler for Zargorans nonsense, which frustrates her to no end.
  • Enana and Torgael have great respect for one another, as both of them are advocates for the advancement and betterment of organized society.
  • Followers and Worship:

    Enana commands a large following among the faithful of The Ur-Ashaar around the City states of The Conflux Sea, especially in the City of Adrastealos, where her largest temple is located.
    She has a wide range of followers, though most prominent amongst them are soldiers, astrologians, scholars and diviners, as well as judges, lawmakers and rulers.   One thing Enana promotes among her followers is what she describes as “Balance of body and mind”, meaning that a healthy and strong body requires a sharp mind to control it, and a sharp mind requires a healthy and strong body to thrive. Moderation, self-control, self-improvement, all of these are means to an end to achieve Balance.   Enana is most commonly invoked for success in battle, guidance in matters of justice, the law, moral quandaries and self-improvement. Rituals and prayers dedicated to her in public settings are often highly ritualized and follow specific practices, while private worship often takes the form of silent meditation and contemplation.   Offerings and sacrifices dedicated to Enana often take the form of tribute and consist mostly of currency, gemstones and intricately woven fabrics.  


    Be the shining Beacon: “As my champion, thou shalt be an embodiment of justice and fairness. But if we wish our people to live by these values, thou must be the shining example for them to strive towards. Just as the Stars guide weary sailors to safer shores, so must thou give guidance to those lost and forsaken.”
    Forge the Body, Sharpen the Mind: “Tis our mind that separates us from common beasts, so as we strengthen our body, we must not forget to train our mind as well, lest beasts we shall become. Remember though, that our mind, just like a sharpened sword, requires a sturdy vessel, lest it shall dull and rust away. So go forth my champion, and strengthen thine body and mind, we shall not tolerate mediocrity!”
    Uphold the Sacred Code: "As a champion of mine, thou shalt be entrusted with the solemn duty of upholding the sacred codes which govern our society. Be resolute in thine enforcement, but do not follow the words blindly, for no written word could ever encompass the true complexity of the world we doth share. Let justice be thine unwavering guide, and stand as a beacon against corruption and injustice.”

    Titles and Aliases:

    The Wise Queen
    The Warrior Queen
    The Lady of Stars
    The Diviner
    The Lady of the Law

    Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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