
“Pathetic cur, I waste no time on those incapable of helping themselves”
  Arkas is part of The Seven, the Deities of The Ur-Ashaar, which is the predominant Faith amongst The Hominid Strain. He is most commonly associated with survival, hunting, martial prowess, untamed nature and individual capability.  


Arkas is often portrayed as a rugged and imposing figure, embodying the spirit of the untamed wilderness. He is depicted as a tall and muscular man, standing well over 6 feet (180 cm) tall, and sports a powerful physique. He has long, unkempt hair, resembling the mane of a wild beast, though notably some smaller sects depict him as entirely bald. His heavily scarred and warpaint-adorned skin bears the weathered complexion of one who spends most of their time outdoors, while his gray eyes gleam with an intense and piercing gaze.
Arkas is typically depicted wearing attire crafted from animal hides and furs, adorned with tokens and trophies of his most recent hunts, such as feathers, antlers and claws.   He is almost always depicted with a hunting bow, as well as a spear and axe, with a bird of prey perched on his shoulder, and two animals accompanying him, which tend to take the form of the most common predators of the region.  


Arkas is commonly known to be a stoic, impartial, cold and sometimes aloof individual. His teachings have a strong focus on self-reliance and individual capability. He is a man of few words, and has little patience for those that cannot help themselves, as well as those that contribute nothing to the societies they are a part of. He is generally restrained in showing his emotions, his laughter taking the form of a held-back chuckle and his wrath coming as tensed muscles and an intense focused gaze.   Arkas encourages his followers to be self-reliant and not to grow too accustomed to the niceties and pleasures of civilization, but this does not mean that he does not want them to form communities. No, he wants them to be self-reliant so they do not become a burden on their tribe or clan, as they can only thrive if everyone is pulling their own weight.
Only through discipline, adaptability and honing one’s instincts can one master their environment and not fall victim to nature's whims.   While Arkas mostly sees nature as a beast to be conquered and tamed, he still encourages his followers to show their respect, to honor every kill, and to be stewards of nature, instead of destroyers, if not out of genuine reverence, then at least out of caution not to invoke nature's wrath.  


Arkas wants to spend the bulk of his time alone or with his beasts in the wilderness, as such he rarely interacts with the Ashaar closely associated with civilization, unless he has a good reason:  
  • Arkas rarely interacts with Zargoran, and that is how he likes it. Zargoran visits his old friend on occasion to check up on him, but they have few interests in common.
  • Arkas and Enana respect one another, as both of them value discipline and martial prowess, but they rarely have reasons to interact.
  • Arkas and Catriona respect one another, as their domains tend to have quite a bit of overlap, even if they don’t always see eye to eye.
  • Arkas is openly credited with calling Arcana an “annoying little runt” and he has little patience for her riddles and puzzles. While there aren’t any records of Arcana’s personal feelings on their interactions, most scholars seem to agree that Arcana enjoys “poking the bear”.
  • Arkas has great respect for Torgael, and the way he inspires his followers to strive to be the absolute best in their field, and even visits him occasionally. Torgael generally feels the same about Arkas, though he finds the whole “not helping those that cannot help themselves” thing quite off putting.
  • Followers and Worship:

    Arkas has a rather small but dedicated following, particularly among those who live close to nature, such as hunters, gatherers, and explorers, especially in regions with harsher climates and more dangerous wildlife. His teachings attract individuals who seek to improve their survival skills, prowess and those who wish to develop a deeper understanding of the natural world.
    Due to his nature, Arkas tends to not have particularly large followings and temples, but there are still a few, most notably the one in the City of Karkesh, located in the inland sea of The Zandije Wildwoods.   Arkas's worship is diverse, ranging from solitary rituals performed in the solitude of the wilderness to communal gatherings in sacred groves. Followers of Arkas often partake in hunting rituals, offering thanks to the animals they hunt and seeking blessings for a successful hunt.   Arkas is often invoked for guidance in times of adversity, to bless a particular battle or hunt, or for guidance in matters of self-improvement. His followers seek his blessings for martial prowess, survival skills, and the ability to navigate the trials of life with resilience and determination. Arkas is however rather selective in those he gives his blessings, and the stories of Arkas intervening to aid a follower or to sway the tides of a conflict are few and far between. His followers should be able to help themselves after all.  


    Master your Craft: “Be it battle, hunt or craft, any champion of mine shall seek to be at the forefront of their field. I will not have my name sullied by mediocrity.”
    Mastery of Nature: “True strength and wisdom can only be found in the untamed realms of nature. To attain it, any champion of mine must master not only the nature without, but also the beasts within. To hone one’s instincts until one turns from prey to predator, that is the meaning of mastery.”
    Be no Burden: “Few can thrive in this world alone, as such it is our duty to ensure the ability of our families, clans and tribes to do so. Through mastery of self, you shall ensure the success of your people, provide for them and for yourself. Let actions speak, and others shall follow your example.”

    Titles and Aliases:

    The Wildfather
    The Lord of the Hunt
    The One without Equal
    The Wildwalker

    Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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