
“Blame not the tools for the shoddy works of fools”
  Torgael is part of The Seven, the Deities of The Ur-Ashaar, which is the predominant Faith amongst The Hominid Strain. He is most commonly associated with Coin, Commerce, Craftsmanship, as well as medicine and scientific inquiry.  


Torgael is most commonly depicted as a short and stocky man with long reddish-brown hair and a long well-groomed beard, strains of gray hair betraying his age. His eyes are a warm amber shade and his facial expression usually lies somewhere in the range of general boredom to mild annoyance.   Otherwise the way he is depicted varies widely based on the people that created the depiction, blacksmiths and metalworkers often show him with a hammer and anvil, wearing the finest bronze armor any craftsman could possibly make. Meanwhile weavers and tailors like to depict him wearing the finest fabrics and pelts, merchants, jewelers and the likes tend to give him lots of finely crafted jewelry, you get the Idea, most people just seem to project themselves and their personal ideals of what they think he should be onto Torgael.  


From a cursory glance, one would likely come to the conclusion that Torgael is the stereotype of every grumpy craftsman that is done with everyone’s shit put into one, and they would mostly be right, he however also has another side to him.
While putting up the front of a toughened up old man that is done with the world, Torgael is actually just a big softy on the inside, taking great pride in his followers' accomplishments as he weeps in secret for (almost) everyone of his fallen faithful. He takes joy in witnessing the growth and prosperity of his followers, fueling their ambition to reach for ever greater heights, while fostering a sense of community, as for them not to lose touch with their own people.   While Torgael does possess the shrewd intellect of a masterful merchant, and loves a good deal just like anyone else, he encourages his devotees to engage in honest business practices, to strive for excellence in their chosen crafts and not charge to too much for their wares, as a healthy market can only thrive if everyone is doing their part.   Torgael wishes for his people to thrive, but he wants them to do so out of their own capabilities. They should not rely on the guidance of an Immortal to build great buildings, and create great masterworks. What point is there in excellence if it was not earned after all? He therefore slowly removed himself from his followers, answering fewer and fewer prayers and petitions, for that way they would surely strive for ever greater innovations in the fields of science, medicine and craftsmanship, bettering the lives of everyone in the process. Whether or not this approach has worked is up for debate.  


Torgael generally does his best to respect his fellow Immortals and their talents, even if he does not always see eye to eye with them, even if some of them really like making it hard:  
  • Torgael avoids Zargoran whenever and wherever he can, as every time Zargoran shows up, he either wants something from him or plans to sow chaos in his domain.
  • Enana and Torgael have great respect for one another, as both of them are advocates for the advancement and betterment of organized society.
  • Catriona and Torgael pretty much never interact and that is how both of them like it. While they don’t dislike each other, their ideals and views on how Hominids should engage with the world around them could not be more different.
  • Arkas has great respect for Torgael, and the way he inspires his followers to strive to be the absolute best in their field, and even visits him occasionally. Torgael generally feels the same about Arkas, though he finds the whole “not helping those that cannot help themselves” thing quite off putting.
  • Torgael appreciates that Arcana has made magic a tool which can be used by more than just a few individuals of mighty bloodlines. He also likes that she encourages her followers to think for themselves. This is almost enough for him to overlook all the rest… almost.
  • Followers and Worship:

    Torgael’s teachings attract a wide range of devotees, including craftsmen, merchants, artisans, traders, physicians and scholars. His followers seek guidance in honing their crafts, navigating the intricacies of trade and unlocking the secrets of the Hominid body.
    Torgael enjoys a decently-sized following in most Hominid-dominated societies, but the heart of his worship lies in Griselderyn. His largest temple is located in the City of Aximander, a bustling hub of markets and artisan quarters located in the heart of The Griselder Woods.   Torgael's worship encompasses various rituals and practices. Craftsmen offer their creations at the temple, expressing gratitude for their skills and seeking the deity's blessings for continued guidance to hone their craft. Merchants gather to perform lavish ceremonies, beseeching Torgael's favor for prosperous trade ventures and favorable transactions. Physicians and healers seek his guidance, invoking Torgael's patronage to deepen their understanding of the body and heal what ails those in need.  


    Master your Craft: “Be mindful with each hammerstroke, with every stitch and every brush, we hone our skills and master our crafts. Do not despair at setbacks and failure, as every master has failed a thousand times.”
    Innovate, Adapt, Overcome: “Never rest on your laurels, for the innovators of today are the stagnant failures of tomorrow. As the world around us shall keep changing, so must we change to meet its challenges, and a change of circumstance is no excuse for shoddy work.”
    Remember your Roots: “Never lose sight of where you came from. As your skills improve and your wealth grows, invest it into those that lived alongside you, for they made you who you are. Give to those in need and support your community, as wealth is best enjoyed when shared.”

    Titles and Aliases:

    The Master of Makers
    The Merchant's Friend
    The Anvils Architect
    The Healing Hand
    The Elder

    Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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