
“I am Catriona and I speak for the trees, harm this grove again and I shall break your knees.”
  Catriona is part of The Seven, the Deities of The Ur-Ashaar, which is the predominant Faith amongst The Hominid Strain. She is most commonly associated with Nature in all its forms, Agriculture, as well as natural Beauty, Fertility, Motherhood and Art.  


While the way Catriona is depicted varies based on the region, her overall appearance tends to be more or less consistent. She is usually described as a calm, beautiful, well endowed and motherly figure, a good bit shorter than the other Immortals, with long flowing hair, usually brown, ginger or red, verdant green eyes, and either fair or tan skin.
Her attire tends to be rather simple, mirroring what the peasantry in the region tend to wear, workers clothes, simple dresses lacking decoration etc. She is also almost never depicted with jewelry or any type of footwear.
  Catriona is often depicted with either a bundle of grain and a sickle, or surrounded by wild plants and animals. She seems particularly fond of songbirds, boars and horses.   Another Depiction of Catriona, though much less common and mostly localized around the City of Nagazaar, describe her not as a motherly, but a youthful, energetic and seductive woman.  


Catriona, while giving off the appearance of a calm and collected lady, is perhaps the Immortal most known for her tendency to anger quickly, especially towards those that inflict unnecessary harm towards nature. She swears and curses constantly and, in her own words, as they have been recorded through the Stories of The Ur-Ashaar during an exchange with her fellow immortal Zargoran, “Will take no shit from anyone, especially a homewrecker like you!”   She is a defender of nature, taking an “eye for an eye” approach to those that would harm her domain, though she is not unreasonable and understands that, whether she likes it or not, certain sacrifices must be made in the advance of civilization. The felling of trees to build houses and create farmland is just one example, though she still demands that nature be granted the respect it deserves, destruction be kept at a minimum and woe be unto those that bring harm to one of her blessed groves.   Catriona is also known as The Friend of Mothers and Maidens, she is generally a lot kinder to women than men, offering aid and advice to young girls in matters of love, and mothers in matters of health, childbirth and family.   Finally, she is also known for her love of art, music and theater, famously stating that “they are some of the few worthwhile things civilization has managed to produce.”  


Catriona mostly just wants to be left alone, and most of her fellow Immortals respect that:  
  • The Relationship between Zargoran and Catriona could be described as strained at best, and openly hostile at worst. Zargoran has attempted to woo Catriona on many occasions and she does not appreciate his advances. The fact he’s already married just makes it worse.
  • While Catriona and Enana usually get along, they rarely interact with one another, as Catriona avoids civilization wherever she can.
  • Arkas and Catriona respect one another, as their domains tend to have quite a bit of overlap, even if they don’t always see eye to eye.
  • Catriona cannot get a read on Arcana and that annoys her to no end. They rarely interact, which only makes things worse for Catriona, as she knows that whenever Arcana is around she is planning something, but she can’t ever figure out what in time to do something about it.
  • Catriona and Torgael pretty much never interact and that is how both of them like it. While they don’t dislike each other, their ideals and views on how Hominids should engage with the world around them could not be more different.
  • Followers and Worship:

    Despite Catriona’s general dislike of organized society, she actually has a decently sized following, though it does not compare to those of Zargoran or Enana, and is usually restricted to smaller, regional sects, lacking an organized, interconnected priesthood.
    Her domains are all central aspects of the lives of people no matter in which societies and family structures they live. Nature is inescapable after all, agriculture is the bedrock upon which organized society is built, and wherever there are people, there will be people reproducing. As such they cannot help but look to Catriona for guidance in these matters.
    Furthermore artists, minstrels and performers are all too often inspired by nature, which leads many of these individuals to dedicate their creations to The Wild Lady of the Woods.
    All in all, Catriona’s following mostly consists of farmers and gardeners, artists, healers, people that have trouble with love, as well as Individuals that feel especially connected to the natural world. It is also notable that both Catriona’s followers and priesthood are predominantly women (~90/10).   Catriona is mostly invoked for plentiful harvests, good weather, aid in matters of love, motherhood and family life, curing diseases and for sparks of inspiration.   As Catriona dislikes manmade structures, she does not have any dedicated temples, instead her followers and those which petition her for aid are expected to tend to her groves and ward off any that would seek to harm them. She does not require, nor want sacrifices or offerings, as Catriona herself put it: “Should I be in need of something I shall procure it myself. Keep your jewels, metals and manmade trinkets, and don't you dare gift me meat! Next time someone drops a carcass in one of my groves I will burn their house down!"
    Instead, all that is required to petition The Fair Mothers aid is an honest plea at one of her blessed groves, those she deems deserving of her aid then will receive it, though she has also been known to be swayed by beautiful performances of song and dance.  


    Protect the Natural World: “Listen up! I am not saying you have to kill every hunter out there, or break some poor young lads legs for chopping down a few trees, we all need to eat, and even animals shape their environment, but those that kill for fun? That destroy nature just because they can? Those you shall show no mercy. Hunt them down, flay them alive and display their broken bodies for all to see. Nature demands respect.”
    Create and Nurture: “Now pay attention fools! I don’t care much for who or what you are, but we all start taking from the world we live in the moment we are born, it is therefore only proper to give back whenever we can. I do not care for what it is, grow a garden, have a family, write some music, nature knows it’s one of the few good things your civilizations have brought forth. There is not much point to life if all we do is take until the day we return to the soil we once were formed from."
    Make them respect your name: “Now stand to attention! I do not care much if you wish to call yourself a "champion" of mine, but I will not let myself be represented by some weak ass chicken shit, letting people walk all over them, are we clear?! If you wish to be my representative, you better ensure that people put respect on your name!"

    Titles and Aliases:

    The Fair Mother
    The Mistress of the Fields
    The Muse
    The Lady of Grain
    The Friend of Maidens and Mothers
    The Wild Lady of the Woods

    Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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