
Originally founded in the age of the first hominid settlements along The Conflux Sea, the high houses of Orosa remain loyal vassals to the Adrastean throne, even well after the proclamation of 300 pSF which granted them territorial autonomy.
Of all the realms which used to be part of Adrastealos, Orosa remains the closest to it, in both a literal and figurative sense. For one it is still a vassal under the Adrastean throne by the grace of Adrastea, its cultural oddities are still very similar and the two remain closely linked through countless political marriages and trade agreements.
The name Orosa invokes feelings of joy in most, for it is known above all else to be a nation of artists, bards and poets.    


The grassy hills and plains which make up most of Orosa lie south-west of The Dividing Highlands, and stretch from the westernmost edge of The Yambuku Rainforest to the southern edge of the swamplands which make up parts of The Tolema Graywoods.    


Orosa is an aristocracy which is ruled over by The High Houses of Orosa, its 5 most influential noble houses which all hold significant sway in the city itself, and control large swathes of the lands the city presides over. While they rarely get along and have fought each other bitterly on more than one occasion, The High Houses are united in their loyalty to Adrastealos and the Athanatos Dynasty, which has sat upon its throne for a thousand years. The High Houses have changed several times throughout history, as old ones lost favor and new ones rose to take their place.
The current high houses of Orosa are House Amris, House Meliadis, House Minos, House Thellion and House Visserian. Of all of these, only House Thellion has held the title of High House for longer than 100 years, though even it was only a minor house when Orosa was granted territorial autonomy.    


The early history of Orosa is largely congruent with that of its liege Adrastealos. One of the first territories to be settled under its flag, with close geographical and cultural proximity, the relationship between the two had historically been rather great.
So why, if the two had such good relations, did Adrastealos grant Orosa autonomy in the first place? Truth be told, no one really knows. Some say that it was a reward by Markisa Adrastea XXVIII., a gift for the great loyalty of The High Houses, others claim that Adrastealos found itself in a precarious situation at the time and that its Adrastea had to secure the loyalty of The High Houses. Others again claim that it was simply a matter of efficiency, letting the Orosans govern themselves would lessen the strain of bureaucracy on the mainland after all and as long as they paid their taxes where’s the harm?
Whatever the reason, it does not change the fact that it did happen. Ever since then, Orosa has found itself more at war with itself or fending of raids from Ereneimos than anything else. War between noble houses over territory, trade rights, titles or holy relics, war over broken oaths and promises given. War and beauty go hand in hand after all, for the greatest beauty blooms from strife.
When Adrastealos called Orosa to its aid in its fight against The Morya Sultanate, every High House threw its full support behind them.    

Culture & Society:


Adrastean Legacy:

Just like Adrastealos, Orosa is a society in which the relations between men and women are stratified, and regulated by countless cultural norms. Women stand above men, inherit titles and political offices, while men reserve the right to bear arms, serve as soldiers and generals. Where Orosa differs is that there are ways to circumvent the social order by declaring oneself as Antioph, as “Another”. To declare oneself as Another means to reject one’s belonging to one sex in favor of the other, a choice with far reaching consequences, abandoning all rights, duties and possessions that come with one in favor of those that come with the other.
A woman becoming Antioph does not merely live as a man, she is a man, at least in the eyes of her peers and wider society. She, or rather he rejects all claims to any titles and political offices in exchange for the right to bear arms and serve as a soldier. A man becoming Antioph vows to never lay hands on a weapon again, live as is to be expected of a woman in Orosan society and may hold political offices and inherit titles.
To declare oneself Antioph is something which can be done only once and from which there is no return. Few people choose to do it, often for fear of what they will lose, though those who follow through and do as their heart tells them to usually end up quite happy with their new position.  

Oaths Unbroken:

While lying in itself is not necessarily a problem, Oaths and promises in Orosa are sacrosanct. To break a promise, no matter how trivial, is seen as an irrevocable stain upon one’s character and depending on how great the promise or oath, might actually have one end up in chains or one the chopping block.
Most Orosans may actually prefer the chopping block to being known as Orkotos an Oathbreaker, and should circumstances make it so they break Oath through no fault of their own, they will likely do anything in their power to set things right.  

Patronage of the Arts:

Artists, Bards and Poets of all schools and disciplines enjoy high standing in Orosa, as the arts themselves are held in very high regard. All noble houses and even some wealthier common folk have at least a few Artists and Performers under their Patronage, even engaging in bidding wars if the artist in question seems especially talented. Wealthy soldiers and generals often bring bards and storytellers with them, so that they might record their honorable deeds and exalt their name in the memory of the people.    

Laws & Institutions:

The Laws of Orosa are for the most part identical to those of Adrastealos, with one exception:  


Besides the laws on Slavery lined out in the Laws & Institutions section of Adrastealos, Oathbreakers may willingly enter slavery under the person they have slighted to wash themselves free of the dishonor, only to be released when their new master deems them worthy. Under these rules even women may choose to become slaves, circumventing the Laws which would usually make this illegal.



Population: ~150.000 (20.000 in the city itself)
Strains: Hominids 80%, Draconids 5%, Elves 5%, Other 10%
Religion: The Ur-Ashaar


Government: Aristocracy
Rulers: The High Houses of Orosa
Influence: minor


50 copper chalkos = 1 silver asmir
25 silver asmir = 1 gold kresos

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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