
Over 600 years ago, Ereneimos was the first city state to break away from Adrastealos. While the original catalyst for this was the right of women to bear arms, as Enana intended they believed, Ereneimos and Adrastealos have diverged substantially since then, and animosities have lingered even into current day.
Semi-frequent raids for riches and captives have made it so that Erenimos is nowadays treated more like a pirate state than anything else, though that is not entirely accurate either. Rather, they capture people to bring them into their society, “Teaching them honor” is how they refer to it. Those who fit into the militaristic society of Ereneimos often find themselves rising through the ranks rather quickly regardless of strain or sex, enjoying an albeit short life of fame, glory and splendor, as death in battle is the fate of most warriors.    


Ereneimos holds control over the Island of Dytikas and The Kyrosgrove to its west, east of The Kashtu Highlands, though the latter is currently contested territory with The Morya Sultanate.    


Ereneimos is a heavily stratified, militaristic Oligarchy, in which political power may only be held by those that distinguish themselves on the battlefield. Ereneimos is organized by a rigid caste system, in which only the highest caste (aka Kasta), the Atos, those that dedicate their life to war and battle, may participate in political decisions.
The Anonakos, or “High Council” is the central governing authority of Ereneimos. It consists of the mightiest warriors, heads of the most prominent warrior clans and deals with all internal and external issues that face Ereneimos. The Anonakos has 13 seats, no more, no less, and a new person may only join the High Council if an old one resigns or is bested in an official duel. In times of great strife where all of Ereneimos must act as one, The Anonakos may elect an Apoliyos, or “First among Equals”, to lead the nation until the issue at hand is resolved.
While Ereneimos has been at war with The Morya Sultanate pretty much since the day they laid claim to their territories, The Anonakos did not see it necessary to elect an Apoliyos until the day that Argos (see: The Morya Sultanate) fell. Ever since then a woman by the name of Verenaia held that position.
Verenaia Adrakari or The Wild Hound, as the people of Ereneimos tend to call her is a Hominid-Wildkin Hybrid that has earned her seat on the Anonakos by killing the matriarch of the warrior clan which led the raid on her home over 20 years ago. She is said to fight with the ferocity of a rabid dog, and is without a doubt the mightiest warrior in the ranks of Ereneimos.   Ereneians only rarely engage in diplomacy with other nations in ways that don’t involve setting them on fire, greatly diminishing their political standing and influence in the rest of the world, despite possibly having the means to rival Adrastealos in the region.    


Originally settled by Hominids from the old Kingdom of Adrastealos around 800 pSF. The Nature of the calm and harsh seasons within The Conflux Sea often made for months without contact with the mainland, making Ereneimos, and the entirety of Dytikas, an attractive place to settle for those dissatisfied with how things were handled in Adrastealos.
Things reached a boiling point around 600 pSF, when a single localized rebellion sparked a fire that soon set the entire island ablaze (figuratively of course). Nowadays people claim that the original source of discontent was the right of women to bear arms, though in truth none really remember it. Adrastealos found itself outmatched after about a decade of fighting, having to sustain a war over sea against a foe that did not, soldiers trained to not raise their blades against women having to fight those exact women in droves, the reasons were numerous, the conclusion all but obvious when viewed from the future.
Ereneimos spent the following centuries mostly in isolation. The details are murky and poorly recorded, as few written sources from back then survived, but as it is told at least Ereneimos spent the next three centuries at war with itself. Warrior clans fought and raided each other to near extinction, struggles over resources, territory and people set the island ablaze, all with relatively little notice from outside.
When Ereneimos re-emerged on the world stage 300 years later, their society was unrecognizable. Would historical records not prove it, none would believe what it once evolved from. A society where might makes right, where titles and pedigree mean almost nothing, where even the most impoverished peasant could rise to power through their proficiency in battle, or would die trying. Most would think it anarchy, yet despite blood-feuds of 10 generations and older and continuous animosities and clashes over the same old resources, territories and people as before, Ereneimos would never stand divided against a threat from outside.
From then on, Ereneimos would become known as a nation of raiders and pirates, The scourge of The Conflux Sea. Even 10 years ago it would have seemed pretty much unthinkable for any nation to court Ereneimos for an alliance of any kind, and even more unthinkable for them to accept. With the rise of The Morya Sultanate though, they most likely saw a foe great enough to be a threat to their way of life, one that they could not even hope to face alone.    

Culture & Society:


The Tagma:

The Society of Ereneimos is one organized around strict social hierarchies with warriors at the top and everyone else below them. This system is known as The Tagma, “The Order”, and it separates the people of Ereneimos into 4 Kasta:
Helos: Literally “Those without honor”, they are the lowest class of Ereneimos, consisting of everything from farmers, to menial laborers to servants. Ereneimos does not have slaves, instead the Helos are the ones to take their place. They are unfree, bound to service and absolute obedience under members of the highest Kasta, the Atos. Helos make up the bulk of Ereneian society (around 80%) and it is also this Kasta, into which most captives from raids are introduced.
Kallios: Literally “The Muses”, they are the 2nd lowest class of Ereneimos, consisting mostly of entertainers, artists, scholars and sexworkers. While the Kallios on paper enjoy the same rights (or lack of rights) as the Helos, in reality their lives are usually much more comfortable, and some might even say they live in splendor compared to most “free-folk” from abroad. To become a Kallios, one must attract the favor of an Atos enough for them to be willing to become their patron, usually through special talents, great knowledge or pleasing appearance. In short, Kallios are personal retainers to either a single Atos, their family or even their clan. To be a Kallios is a fickle existence though, for the favor of some Atos can be lost rather quickly. They are the smallest Kasta of Ereneian society for a reason.
Nomos: Literally “The Shapers”, they are the 2nd highest class of Ereneimos, consisting mostly of merchants and trained craftsmen; Blacksmiths, cobblers, shipwrights and all others that create instruments of battle and war are held in especially high regard. Nomos may not enjoy all the liberties of the Atos, and they are still sworn to their service, though the Nomos are on a much, much longer leash. The Nomos may handle coin, acquire property, travel between the domains of different Atos without requesting permission and in rare cases may even leave Dytikas should their Atos allow it. Nomos are the second largest Kasta of Ereneimos, only slightly larger in number compared to the Atos.
Atos: Literally “The Exalted”, they are the ruling class of Ereneimos, consisting entirely of warriors. To be Atos though does not just mean to know how to fight, neither does it mean that one only knows how to fight, many Atos stem from one of the lower Kasta after all, no: To be Atos means to be dedicated above all else to battle, to hone one’s skill even in times of peace and to take up weapons in times of conflict no matter the foe, even in the face of certain death. Atos are the ruling class of Ereneimos, yet not all of them are rulers. Most Atos in fact are sworn as companions to another they deem greater than themselves, either through choice or subjugation, there is no shame in following a warrior greater than oneself after all. The greatest Atos often have hundreds, in the rarest cases even thousands of companions sworn to them. It is those Atos that usually come to command a warrior clan, owning large swathes of land, with thousands of Helos, Kallios and Nomos sworn to them or those under their command. Despite their denomination as warriors, Atos must not necessarily bear weapons. Whether or not one wields a sword, a spear, fights with Magic or with their bare fists is irrelevant, so long as they can wield their implements of battle with deadly precision and power.  

The Struggle:

Elys an Polemos “To live is to Fight”, or literally “Life is War”; That is the motto Ereneians live by. Everything is a battle, for resources, honor, respect, right, dominance and of course survival. Those who fail to acknowledge this, those who are incapable of taking up arms for themselves and to defend themselves are Helos[, “Those without honor”. Be that as it may, they still can attain a small amount of honor in their service to the Atos, “The Exalted”, and may over time rise into a higher station, to the ranks of the Kallios and Nomos, if the Atos they are sworn to deems them worthy. This is the best one unfit to fight, bound to rely on the protection of the Atos, can hope for.
Helos, Kallios and Nomos may also rise to the ranks of the Atos if they prove themselves in battle. Atos may also be lowered to one of the lower Kasta, either by choice to wash themselves of misdeed and dishonor, or as a punishment.  

Enana Polemos:

The Main deity worshiped in Ereneimos and on all of Dytikas for that matter is Enana. The Ereneian Cult of Enana depicts her as a stoic warrior, wielding bronze shield and spear, and clad in full bronze armor from helmet to grieves. They know her as Enana Polemos, The Warrior Queen, Master General and Keeper of Order.    

Laws & Institutions:



Literally translating to “The Right”, is the most fundamental law of Ereneimos: None may be deprived of the chance to earn their honor, meaning none that are willing may be deprived of their right to fight and die in battle. No matter their Kasta, anyone may request Diakoma from the Atos they are sworn to, though the way in which they are tested varies. Some Atos simply take those that request The Right into battle, most who are tested this way don’t survive, though the ones that do (and don’t try to flee) are worthy without question, and may join the ranks of The Exalted. Others must prove themselves in a duel, either against their Atos or one another, though in the former case victory is not a requirement, and there are more methods still. Some Atos try to discourage their charges from requesting Diakoma by killing those that request it during their test. However while it is within their rights to do so, it is not seen as something one of honor, one of The Exalted, should do.  

Rights of the Few:

Besides Diakoma, only Atos and to a lesser degree Nomos have any rights to speak of, though that doesn’t mean that those of lesser Kastas are free and easy pickings. By right, Helos and Kallios belong to the Atos they are sworn to, and to attack, assault or abuse them is to inflict a crime upon that very Atos.
They themselves are free to do with those under their charge as they see fit, even kill them, though part of an Atos’ code of honor is to judge fairly, and to never dull out punishment where it is not warranted. The degree to which they adhere to those codes varies though.



Population: ~190.000 (15.000 in the city itself)
Strains: Hominid 65%, Zoltai 20%, Elves 5%, Other 10%
Religion: The Ur-Ashaar


Government: Militaristic Oligarchy
Ruler: Verenaia Adrakari
Influence: minor


50 copper chalkos = 1 silver asmir
25 silver asmir = 1 gold kresos

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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