
Adrastealos is the oldest of the conflux city states. Founded shortly after the Dragonwars, when The Ur-Ashaar freed The Hominid Strain from the yoke of Dragonkind, the city was supposedly founded by the descendants of Enana herself. It is from here that all other Hominid cities on The Conflux Sea were founded, spread, and upon the laws, customs and norms of which, or in opposition to which they were built.
Order and tradition are highly valued in this place, and travelers from abroad often find themselves at a loss for the countless traditions and social norms which seem to be ubiquitous here.    


Adrastealos lays claim to the entire island of Adrastetta, a few smaller islands off the northern coast of The Conflux Sea and large parts of The Tolema Graywoods.    


Adrastealos has been an Absolute Monarchy for most of its history, though not since its founding. Originally called Tygatheron, the city was set up to be ruled by a council of elders, though a violent revolution led by its first Markisa (Queen) and founder of the Athanatos Dynasty, Adrastea I., quickly put a stop to that. She was said to be a direct descendant of Enana, sent to “correct” the sinful ways of the people, and set the city onto a righteous path.
The amount of control that her descendants had over the high houses and the people waxed and waned over time as territories came and went, but never did another line sit upon the throne they created, even as they tried.
The current Markisa of Adrastealos is Adrastea Athanatos, 39th of her name, after all her predecessors. The Divine Blood is strong in her as well, for she is said to be quite gifted in the practice of Divine Magic. She is a popular ruler, and most likely one of the most liberal Adrasteas of the past 500 years. Under her rule, society in Adrastealos has somewhat liberalized and great freedoms have been granted to common folk and aristocrats alike, so long as they remain loyal to the throne. In turn, punishments and sentences for traitors, turncoats, revolutionaries, rebels as well as pretenders and their supporters have become much more severe.    


Following the usurpation of power by the Athanatos Dynasty, the city which would from then on be known as Adrastealos became the seed from which hominid civilization would spread throughout The Conflux Sea. At its height, the then kingdom of Adrastealos stretched from the northernmost borders of The Tolema Graywoods down to The Kashtu Woodlands and into The Gulf of Ashaya.
Over time though, cracks in the fundament started to show. Populist revolts and secessionists, rejecting either the absolute rule of the Adrastean throne, the laws or the stringent social order enforced on its behalf, started to form. Over decades and centuries Adrastealos lost more and more of its former territories:
First, around 600 pSF, went Ereneimos, which took the entire Island of Dytikas with it, and with that the absolute control over The Conflux Sea that Adrastealos enjoyed before. Decades later went Argos and Cassander (see: The Morya Sultanate). This was followed by almost a hundred years of internal stability, until the secession of Keopsys, probably the most violent revolt in Adrastean history. Only months later, the city of Thassalophon seized the opportunity of its severely weakened overlord and seceded, a single missive, and not a single drop of blood marking the occasion. Finally, around 300 pSF, Orosa seceded under amicable terms and became an autonomous vassal state under Adrastealos.
And such was the state of The Conflux Sea until but 13 years ago: City states all besides one vying for power with and against one another, united only in their shared animosity towards their former overlords, maintaining a balance of power in the region.
Before the rise of The Morya Sultanate, an alliance between the cities of The Conflux Tripact would have been nigh unthinkable, yet desperate times call for desperate measures.    

Culture & Society:


Live to Rule:

Political power in Adrastealos is a purely matriarchal affair, with men being completely barred from any and all offices. Governance requires a delicate hand and keen eye for detail after all, and those are things that the less fair sex seems to sorely lack, or so the reasoning goes. Families, both those of higher blood and the common folk, also tend to follow matriarchal structures, especially in regards to inheritance, though this is not enforced by law.
Men may of course still acquire and own property and open their own businesses, but any and all offices with even a modicum of political influence are barred from them, with one exception:  

Live to Serve:

From General to foot-soldier, only men may serve in the military of Adrastealos, something that is perceived as a privilege, honor and duty. The expectations that come along with this are deeply rooted in the social fabric of Adrastealos: A good man must be a warrior, strong, honorable, dependable, and willing to lay down his life to defend that of a woman. This notion is heavily romanticized, with many famous pieces of writing dealing with tragic relationships that end in the man laying down his life to defend that of his partner.  

Enana Diakos:

Adrastealos is a city built in service to Enana, one of The Ur-Ashaar. The Adrastean Cult of Enana depicts her without her famous spear, and does not worship her as a God of Warfare, considering both below someone of her station. They know her as Enana Diakos, The Righteous Queen, bringer of Peace, Justice and Prosperity.    

Laws & Institutions:


The Right to bear arms:

Women are banned from bearing arms within the jurisdiction of Adrastealos. No man of honor would ever raise his hand against a woman, and as women may not serve in the military, the only person which could bring harm to a woman would be another woman or a dishonorable man. As Adrastealos does not bring forth dishonorable men, the best way to protect its women is to not allow any of them to bear arms.
This law is less heavily enforced in the borderlands of Adrastealos, where there are in fact other things that may threaten a woman's life, but it is still considered a social taboo.  

Unequal Laws:

While the laws of Adrastealos are generally not discriminatory, any crime committed by a man against a woman results in a disproportionately severe sentence. Violent crimes of men against women almost always result in execution.  


The state of legal slavery in Adrastealos has changed many times over the centuries. Under its current Markisa however, most forms of slavery other than debt slavery have been abolished. Furthermore, only male non-hominids may become slaves.  

Rights of Worship:

Adrastealos is a city built to worship the righteous Ur-Ashaar, especially Enana Diakos, who has her largest temple in all of Kashura in the cities temple district. Worship of gods other than The Ur-Ashaar is not forbidden in private, though public displays, sermons, the construction of temples and similar things dedicated to other Divine Entities is.



Population: ~260.000 (50.000 in the city itself)
Strains: Hominid 70%, Wildkin 15%, Zoltai 5%, Other 10%
Religion: The Ur-Ashaar


Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruler: Adrastea Athanatos XXXIX.
Influence: moderate


50 copper chalkos = 1 silver asmir
25 silver asmir = 1 gold kresos

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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