
The region known as Thaamir, a desert valley surrounded on all sides by mountains, lies at the heart of southern Kashura. As the word desert valley suggests, most of Thaamir is occupied by its namesake, The Thaamiri Desert, which stretches from The Kashtu Highlands in the north-east down to The Suna Mountains in the south-west.
The overwhelming majority of people that inhabit Thaamir though have not settled in the desert, but along the banks of The Khoona River, which hugs The Garuda Highlands to its east.
Thaamir is the heartland of The Morya Sultanate, as it was here, in the sands of The Thaamiri Desert that The Starfall took place.  


As is to be expected from a region consisting mostly of desert, the climate in and around Thaamir is quite hot and dry, temperatures frequently reaching upwards of 40C (104F), especially during the harsher seasons. Around The Khoona River, temperatures are a bit more bearable, but even there temperatures rarely fall below 20C (68F).
It almost never rains in Thaamir, and most of the water carried by The Khoona River comes there from Glaciers in The Garuda Highlands.  


It will come as a surprise to no one that the overwhelming majority of The 250.000 people that call Thaamir home are settled along The Khoona River. The overwhelming majority of these people belong to The Zoltai Strain, though as it is the heartland of The Morya Sultanate, Thaamir has recently seen an influx of people of other Strains.  


Thaamir is the heartland of The Morya Sultanate and under its complete control (at least insofar as one can “control” a desert. It is also here at the base of The Khoona River, that Garashahati, the capital of The Morya Sultanate is located. Ashkamanyu, another major city in the region is also located here.  


Mountains & other geographical Features:

  • The Garuda Highlands
  • The Kashtu Highlands
  • The Suna Mountains
  • The Thaamiri Desert
  • Bodies of Water:

  • The Khoona River

  • Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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