The Living Plains

The Living Plains are a vast stretch of Land in north-western Kashura, making up most of the western parts of The Soukoku Region, stretching from The Kawa River in the east to The Sea of Ganpung in the west. They are the home of The Ulai (see: The Yuyan Dominion), a species of The Wildkin Strain which has lived in harmony with the land here for generations. And in harmony live they must, for the living plains aren’t called such just for show. The land itself seems to have a sense of self here, aiding those that treat it with respect, and hindering those that do not, one of the many reasons why The Yuyan Dominion struggled to enforce its influence over this region for so long. This stretch of land is said to be ruled by one of the mightiest Idanasha, Sengelekh of Life and Death.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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