
The Region of Soukoku lies in north-western Kashura and is a land dominated by The Wildkin Strain. It stretches from The Sung River and The Great Heights of Begarit in the east to The Sea of Ganpung in the west, and from The Shashan Mountains up north to The Nashan Mountains down south.
The Heartland of Soukoku is The Kawa Basin, consisting of a vast river network and fertile plains east of The Kawa River. To the west lie The Living Plains, lands that except for geographics, have little in common with the rest of Soukoku, having been inhabited by semi-nomadic tribes known as The Ulai for most of their history.    


The Climate of Soukoku is generally calm and mild. Temperatures rarely go above 30C (86F) even during the harshest dry seasons, and only during the month of Duma do they drop below freezing. It generally gets colder the more north and east you move.
During the harsher seasons, the most common natural disasters are floods and earthquakes, though storms are rather rare.    


Soukoku is one of, if not the most densely populated region of Kashura, most of which is settled in The Kawa Basin, in the heartland of The Yuyan Dominion. While precise numbers are hard to come by, it is estimated that about 3.000.000 people currently call Soukoku their home.    


Soukoku is home to 3 major polities, The Yuyan Dominion, The Yurekai city state of Ayula, and the Clan Confederation of Shizumi. The Yuyan Dominion is the dominant force in the region, uncontested in both economic and military might, having subjugated or vassalized pretty much all of its neighbors. Ayula manages to maintain a degree of autonomy, having the backing of The Yurekai trading network, which is The Yuyan Dominion’s main gateway to the east.    


Mountains & other geographical features:

The Great Heights of Begarit
The Hoboku Karsts
The Mori Karsts
The Nashan Mountains
The Shashan Mountains
The Yujin Karsts

Forests & Swamps:

The Great Lu-Shin Forest
The Hutan Forest
The Nogandi Woods
The Torikami Forest
The Zhanglao Woods

Bodies of Water:

Lake Minami
The Begarit River
The Kawa River
The Mie River
The Sea of Ganpung
The Sung River
The Tori River
The Yuyan River

Miscellaneous Landmarks:

The Living Plains

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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