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After ‘The Sundering’ most of the orcs became trapped on islands, but not in Korg. The Orcs here, eventually developed into a feudal nation, borrowing some ideas from other surrounding nations. But Korg has a quite different feudal tradition than other nations. There are only two titles in the nobility: King and Baron. The Barons were once regional warlords and tribal chiefs, nit now forms a parliament that governs Korg.   The Korg parliament can make decisions independent of the King, although the King must sign off on them to become law. The Korg parliament, consists of every Baron in the land, approximately 300 in total, 10 of whom are selected by the King’s to act as his cabinet, fulfilling key roles in the government.   The upper class of Korg respect traditions, manners and ‘good breeding.’ This flies in the face of what people often expect of orcs, which often catches people quite off guard.   The peasants of Korg are among the worse treated of any Feudal Nation, many of them have turned to banditry to survive crippling poverty and this often leads them to attack neighbouring countries like the United Principalities and Sinjea.

Demography and Population

Korg has a mainly orcish population bit with significant numbers of humans also.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of Korg
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Gold Receipts
Legislative Body
Korg Parliament
Judicial Body
Local Barons
Executive Body
Local Barons
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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