The Prime

The Prime Timeline reflects the most stable quantum reality. It is the reality to which all other realities are pinned.   This timeline aggressively resists paradoxical realities and attempts to correct them by any means necessary.

Age of Savagery

... 1 A.S.

The Age of Savagery is the time before humanity claimed its place as steward of history on Achosyx; and it is marked by primitive understanding of aetherics and civilizations governed by the Draconian menace.

  • -113 A.S.

    21 Zweivarr 10:00

    Draconian Wars

    After Krindegast's public execution of Drugga, the last living Jotunn of Druthma's line, the races of men and giant violently rebel against the Draconians for the last time.   The war will end 113 years later when Halon Saldania slays Krindegast.

Age of Civility

Five hundred and sixty-three years have passed since the Astrologian and warrior, Halon Saldania, led the Demian Protectorate in the Starwatch Campaigns and slew the Draconian Emperor, Krindegast.   In the centuries following, humanity has largely unified and embraced science. In solidarity brought on by victory, colonists from the United Demian Protectorates have tamed much of Corvesta, Andefeld, and Warsaire. Giant-kin, long enslaved by Draconian masters and brought to the brink of extinction, are returning to the world in small enclaves.   An industrial revolution is beginning. The secrets of aether unfold at a rate never before seen on Achosyx; brought to new heights by master Astrologians at the Starwatch Academy, Orr gurus, and Dýrosi primalists. A new aetherochemical called Thermix, developed by secretive Thraxi scientists, sees wondrous applications powering machines capable of doing the work of a hundred men.   Unfortunately, peace rarely lasts for long. The United Demian Protectorate stretches itself thin and is rife with partisanship. The Varathrax Dominion constantly seeks ways to take more than what it was allotted. Precious few stirrings have been heard from the Draconian Empire since Krindegast’s death, and those that dare venture into those unforgiving lands rarely return.

  • 554 A.C.

    11 Vievarr
    554 A.C.

    2 Elvarr

    The Divergence of Echoes
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Divergence of Echoes was a major crisis throughout Achosyx, when unexpectedly powerful aetheric radiation generated inside of Achovemron caused disturbances in the psychic energies of echoes across the Achosian System.   Stable echoes everywhere split into extreme projections of themselves, causing once peaceful spirits to break into multiple manic or even violent versions of themselves.   The effect was particularly drastic in Angraal where echoes of the dead are revered and drastic.

  • 563 A.C.

    6 Sievarr 19:00

    The Cold Dawn Returns to Jiangmou
    Criminal Activity

    A refugee monk, an abandoned pirate, a rebellious noble, and a broken man have a fated meeting when a band of corsairs threaten a coastal village.

  • 563 A.C.

    7 Sievarr 08:00

    The Trial
    Civil action

    The citizens of Jiangmou put the crew of the Cold Dawn on trial for crimes against their ancestors.

  • 563 A.C.

    8 Sievarr 07:00
    563 A.C.

    10 Sievarr 11:00

    The Journey to Xiǎo'Tiān

    The party sets out along the Stone Road towards Xiǎo'Tiān.

  • 563 A.C.

    10 Sievarr 18:00

    The Man with the Starry Eyes

    The party arrives in Xiao'Tian and encounters a Thraxi man who insists on accompanying them.

  • 563 A.C.

    10 Sievarr 21:00

    Empty Mind, Open Ears
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After centering himself for the first time since leaving Tak Ye Shes, Odraz hears the voice of Tong'Shi in his mind.

  • 563 A.C.

    11 Sievarr 14:00

    What Lies Beneath
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party ventures into the burrows beneath Xiao'Tian to rescue any living victims, or to recover any not living.

  • 563 A.C.

    14 Sievarr 06:00

    Papers, Please
    Diplomatic action

    The party passes through Turmlager Zwei, where they are assisted by a curious apothiker and a shady quartermaster.

  • 563 A.C.

    17 Sievarr 14:00

    A Chill in the Wind
    Geological / environmental event

    A blade blizzard strikes as the party nears the Alter Stolz Rasthaus.   They and their packbeasts survive, but it is clear the Varathrax Dominion is an inhospitable place.

  • 563 A.C.

    17 Sievarr 22:00

    Paranormal Activity
    Discovery, Exploration

    A wight wreathed in aetheric flames appears at the Alter Stolz Rasthaus and leads pursuers to the Hohen Stolzgau fortress.

  • 563 A.C.

    20 Sievarr 9:00

    Wilkommen in Steinbrucke
    Life, Relocation

    The party arrives at Steinbrucke.

  • 563 A.C.

    20 Sievarr 19:00

    The Doktor is In
    Life, Milestone

    The party meets Doktor Freya Friederich, a hospitalist at the Heilwasser Krankenhaus. She says she can heal Tong'Shi, but only her father could tell them more about the toxin.

  • 563 A.C.

    20 Sievarr 23:00

    The Destruction of Skarrengrad
    Disaster / Destruction

    As a show of power and intolerance towards Dyros, the New Corvestan Peoples' Empire destroys Skarrengrad with an unknown aetheric weapon.

  • 563 A.C.

    21 Sievarr 06:00

    Goodbye, Old Friend
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Batu scuttles the Cold Dawn in the Steinfluss.   The party recovers medical supplies for Tong'Shi.

  • 563 A.C.

    21 Sievarr 22:00

    The Child
    Life, Crime

    At the request of a grieving mother, Hazu infiltrates a burlesque serving as a front for a local gang and rescues her child.

  • 563 A.C.

    22 Sievarr 13:00

    Echo Company

    Akamenos Wartooth, Batu Gantulga, Hazu Kashi, Odraz Avati, and Tymir collectively register themselves as Echo Company, in hopes of using the Dominion Emergency Response Act of 563 as a cover while operating in Steinbrücke.

  • 563 A.C.

    23 Sievarr 02:00

    The Serpent in the Woods

    Echo Company enters the Biestwald, looking to capture the Mana Drake that has disrupted supply lines for the Society of the Aurora

  • 563 A.C.

    23 Sievarr 10:00

    A Place Beyond This World
    Life, Organisation Association

    Akamenos and Hazu are summoned to a location that defies their understanding and are introduced to Magister Serevence Eldrin, an astrologian at the Society of the Aurora, who makes an aggressive offer for their captured Mana Drake...