
While it is a frequent stop for trans-lucidian ships, Brokenbank Island itself has too few resources to support a large settlement. A small trading post lies uphill from the docks. Bamboo huts and other simple dwellings dot the hillside and cluster around a main market square. The few larger buildings are mainly taverns and brothels, giving sailors a first or last chance at some R&R. Going west on a well traveled trail, bit inland, is an established archeological site.
The docks are crowded with ships large and small. Ships sailing west stop here to top off supplies and water. For those going east, Brokenbank is an easy stop to allow the crew to let off steam before the work of unloading and refitting. Merchants from smaller coastal settlements often come looking for deals on wares that didn't sell well in the big cities, or to supply those last dribs and drabs of goods to fill cargo holds.
East of the docks a well manicured trail leads to a large estate surrounded by a high wall.


  • 74% human
  • 9% tabaxi
  • 6% dwarf
  • 11% other
Trade post
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location


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