Tide of Retribution Pt. 2: Cruising

Possible Destinations
  • Bisaft Port - small port town - shamen
  • Brokenbank - port and trading post, many foreign ships - apothecary
  • Port Damali - major city - smith



Core: The PC's have an opportunity to get to know the crew and captain of the Wavechaser   Location;Wavechaser, a caravel build sailing ship.
Encounter type: Social
  • refugees - especially if any were befriended during fight
  • crew - GM roleplays Boerth, Dajarkal, Dillyu, Heidi Axebeard, and Kijoir
  • Captain Three Earrings - major exposition and challenge to PCs

Rising Action

Port of Call
Core: PCs must find a way to breathe underwater.
Location: Determined by PCs - important details in adventure module.
Encounter type:
  • exploration: find relevent items in port
  • social: GM roleplays shopkeepers (some are named)
  • combat: possible, if PCs get into trouble, probably with zhelezo (police).


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