History of the Fray Islands

Time of Alliance

Approx. -2000 ToA to 1 RoU

  • -161 ToA

    3 Setris
    -161 ToA

    19 Miris

    Battle of the Two Realms
    Military action
    More reading
    Keepers of the Black Flame
  • -24 ToA

    19 Etar
    -23 ToA

    2 Darasil

    The Siege of Valily
    Military action

    In 24 ToA, the Elven town of Valily on Triton Attol was laid siege by an Orc tribe led by Recloar the Defiler. After 43 days, Recloar conducted an assault on the town, bringing it to ruin.   This event is believed to have cause the remaining Elven Settlements within the Fray to create the "New Lands Concordat" and later, cause them to side with King Marxus Tevarial Uall.

    More reading
    Zilyana Agreement
  • -16 ToA

    6 Arbus

    16 Year War
    Military action

    Marxus Tevarial Uall, then leader of Kesserfell, dissolved the Treaty of Traxius and departed the Traxius Alliance by annexing the City of Asmar and forming the Great Kingdom of the Fray

    More reading
    Traxius Alliance
  • -16 ToA

    9 Arbus
    -15 ToA

    8 Elsin

    The Blockade of the Great Stronghold of Arkik

    The Great Stronghold of Arkik was the seat of power for the Traxius Alliance and is where the leaders of the settlements on Kesser Island met.   While overtaking Arkik during the 12 Year War, King Marxas Uall placed a 11 month blockade on the inner walls of Arkik that surrounded the Stronghold. Finally, in the 8th of Elsin, 15 ToA, King Marxus took control of the Great Stronghold of Arkik. Arkik was a major strategic advantage for King Marxus and allowed his forces to move on the four settlements that surround the Silver Bay/East Bay Region.

    Arkik Tower
    More reading
    16 Year War
  • -15 ToA

    15 Ryion
    0 ToA

    Champions of the People
    Gathering / Conference

Reign of Uall

1 RoU to 549 RoU

  • 1 RoU

    549 RoU

    The Reign of the Uall Family
    Era beginning/end

    The Reign of the King Marxus Tevarial Uall officially began after his forces destroyed the Traxius Alliance at the Battle of Arkik, bringing the 16 Year War to an end.

    More reading
    Zilyana Agreement
  • 4 RoU

    5 Setris

    Champions of the Fray
    Gathering / Conference
  • 526 RoU

    19 Odell
    526 RoU

    6 Etar

    Kayda's Rebellion
    Military action

    After the rape and murder of a young Tiefling girl named Kayda by the hands of multiple Kesser Army Soldiers, the already strained relationship between the locals and the Kesser Army at Azule lit up into a 45 day conflict. The guerrilla style tactics employed on the Kesser Army resulted in 56 KIA and 144 WIA for the Army and approximately 70+ deaths to guerrilla forces. Azule would no longer allow non-Kesser Army within the walls until Azule's later collapse.   Kayda's Rebellion

  • 526 RoU

    1 Etar

    Formation of the Northern Alliance

    After the "Kayda's Rebellion" and numerous other offences suffered from the Crown, the settlements of North Reach and Irwin, as well as their surrounding areas, aligned together to secede from the Greater Kesser Kingdom.

  • 527 RoU

    7 Ryion

    The Salter War
    Military: War

    With the secession of the North, the Kesser Army conducted major military operations to remove/destroy the rebellious areas and motivate other settlements to not follow in the path of the rebels. During the initial years, the surrounding settlements were pro-crown, but as the war raged on, atrocities and war crimes from the Kesser Army to the supported settlements slowly changed the local's view on their allegiance to the crown in Kesserfell. Eventually, many citizens in the settlements of Ridgepoint, Silversteel and Arkik would join the Northern Alliance and place more stress on the Kesser Army in Azule and later Arkik.

  • 543 RoU

    3 Ryion

    The Great Collapse (Assassination of King Uall the III)
    Criminal Activity

    A suspected criminal organization was believed to have assassinated King Uall III in his quarters in Kesserfell, subsequentially putting the Greater Kesser Kingdom in peril and was the catalyst for in fighting between the royal families for the throne.