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Adynía Timeline

  • 100000 b. Paþ

    Human and elven societies appear

    The first human and elven societies appear in modern Nemirkía.

  • 80000 b. Paþ

    Orcish societies appear

    The first orcish societies appear in modern Úrún.

  • 20000 b. Paþ

    Dwarven societies appear

    The first dwarven societies appear in the western Wild Mountains.

  • 16000 b. Paþ

    12000 b. Paþ

    Little ice age and migrations
    Geological / environmental event

    Adynía experiences a few centuries of cooler climate than usual, causing human and dwarven tribes from the Wild Mountains to migrate either south or west. In turn, various native groups in Nemirkía move eastwards into Gysikan and Faron.

  • 11000 b. Paþ

    Metallurgy, horse and the wheel

    The dwarves of Darka Mountains make the earliest use of copper (and later bronze) tools, while the people on the northern Meldon Plain manage to domesticate horses and discover the wheel.

  • 10000 b. Paþ

    Zameltonía founded

    The dwarven zameltoníans found Zameltonía on the northern Meldon Plain. Their civilization eventually becomes the dominant culture on the plain.
    Halinkazía is founded around the same time as well.

  • 8000 b. Paþ

    Faronians begin using metal tools; unicorns domesticated in Darden

    The use of copper and gold begins in Faron, independently from zameltoníans.
    Dardians domesticate unicorns in the area.

  • 7000 b. Paþ

    Metallurgy spreads to central Adynía.

    The use of copper and other metals spreads to the cultures inhabiting central (and, soon after, western) Adynía, ending the monopoly on metallurgy by the zameltoníans.

  • 5500 b. Paþ

    Horseback riding begins in Gráhúlysía.
    Technological achievement

    The people around Tárútan Lake in southern Gráhúlysía manage to breed horses strong enough to carry fully armed warriors, making chariots obsolete in the region.

  • 5000 b. Paþ

    Fall of Zameltonía.
    Military action

    Tribes from Záal and Gráhúlysía invade Zameltonía in waves, bringing a swift and violent end to millennia of zameltonían rule over the Meldon Plain. This also marks the end of bronze age in that part of the world.

  • 4700 b. Paþ

    Fall of Þrúdanizía
    Disaster / Destruction

    The last dwarven city-state in central Nemirkía falls after its ruler Þrilúk is slain by Hakkes, a vakkal chief.

  • 2000 b. Paþ

    1300 b. Paþ

    Golden age of Katargysía
    Era beginning/end

    Having settled down in western Gysikan after the fall of Zameltonía, a new dwarven civilization dominates the region. Along with mining metals and gems, katargysíans become an important source of magic crystals due to their proximity to Goldensands.

  • 1430 b. Paþ

    Earliest pilgrimage to the Sjorgús Mountains
    Religious event

    The Núrakic Elves Þalandes and Taþía of Kílis make the earliest recorded pilgrimage to the 33 sacred places in the Sjorgús Mountains, in search for enlightenment.

  • 320 b. Paþ

    Battle of Wolves and Falcons
    Military action

    Stárakíus, first emperor of Paþaría, slays Frúldus the Wolf King of Þrahyssilon. With their main rival in Nemirkía gone, Paþaría's armies begin conquering the rest of central Adynía.

  • 300 b. Paþ

    1 b. Paþ

    Golden age of Paþaría
    Era beginning/end

    The Paþarían Empire becomes a major power in central Adynía, with colonies in southern Gráhúlysía and northwestern Góalanis.

  • 200 b. Paþ

    Plague strikes in Katargysía
    Plague / Epidemic

    The dwarven city-states of Katargysía are stricken by a plague of unknown origin. Lack of maintenance causes the underground network of cities to slowly crumble away.

  • 1 a. Paþ

    203 a. Paþ

    Orcish conquest of Góalanis
    Military action

    Orcish tribes from southern Úrún invade Góalanis and gradually conquer the land, kingdom by kingdom.

  • 1 a. Paþ

    Fall of Paþaría
    Disaster / Destruction

    Fleeing an orcish invasion in the Azókan Islands, the paþarían emperor Helúrus, his family and other important officials perish at sea. The resulting succession crisis erupts into a civil war between generals claiming laying claim to the throne. Invasions of tribes from the north soon follow.

  • 27 a. Paþ

    Larúneans settle in western Adynía
    Population Migration / Travel

    After being banished from western Nemirkía by human bekórans, the elven ancestors of Larúneans settle in Larúnas in western Adynía.

  • 49 a. Paþ

    Refon settled by dwarves
    Population Migration / Travel

    Dwarves from Gysikan lay claim the island of Refon after exploring it and settling down in a large cave connected to the sea.

    More reading
    Kingdom of Refon
  • 130 a. Paþ

    500 a. Paþ

    Larúnean civilization
    Cultural event

    The kingdoms of Larúnas form important links in trade routes stretching connecting Núrak to Marissía and Faron.

  • 203 a. Paþ

    Battle of Nernis
    Military action

    King Hirelos Svaras II of Eralía, last native kingdom in Góalanis, is defeated by góalanic orcs, putting end on the orcish conquest of Góalanis. Soon after, the Góalanic Federation is established.

  • 500 a. Paþ

    Dragons first sighted
    Disaster / Destruction

    Dragons from across the sea reach western Adynía and cause a great deal of destruction there, especially in Larúnas and later the western Sjorgús Mountains.

  • 800 a. Paþ

    Sikíron Empire rules central Adynía.
    Political event

    The sikíronians dominate central Adynía after their queen Ástía defeats Alþa, ruler of Pérgal.