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Burning of Jardal Hall

The Conflict


When Princess Alshlyn became Great Jarl. The Kell army began marching on Siv when the princess was corenated, they felt that it was the right time to tke the capital of the jarldom. They were wrong. Alshlyn sent out her armies and met the Kell forces in the Frost Plains, though she lost a number of battles, a sizeable amount of her forces, and a lot of ground toward the city. When a message came from Kell, to paraphrase, "She was beaten. Peace and safety for her people in exchange for abdication of the throne, but he would allow the Medvidev Family to remain in high status and at Greystone Keep through marriage to the Kell Family."   She agreed.


Jardal Hall and the streets of Karak.

The Engagement

During the ceremony in the Jardal Hall, Alshlyn kills Jarl Ordin Kell by stabbing him in the neck with her the wyvernbone hilted dagger that her brother Rodgier I Medvidev had given to her for her nameday.   As the Jarls's blood spilled down her gown and onto the Hall floor her small contingent of men and maji, secreted into the affair as wedding guests, begin to kill all the Kell soldiers inside and outside of the church. She then topples the two nearby braziers and threatens to burn the place down with a candlabra, after which she starts setting tapestries and carpets on fire. The Kell family members beg her to stop and agree to heel to her power.


The roof catches fire in the end, and it takes all the remaining Kell forces to put it out by the next morning.

Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Kell rebellion defeated and suppressed


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