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While not being the third permanent city built by humans, Siv was the third early growing city-state among the human civialization to become a sovereign Jarldom. Founded in 904 by the Pen the Architect on the eastern banks of the Northflow river on the slopes of the Keyat Moutains. It is the capital city of seat of power of the Norveil Jarldom


The city is primarily inhabited by humans, specifically of the northern Ekron ethnicity.


Being the capital of a Norveil, the city itself is administered by a council that the Great Jarl is the head of. Historically this has been the Medvidev Family of Greystone Keep.

Industry & Trade

  • Mead
  • River Ships (fishing, cargo, etc)
  • Blades & Weapons
  • Wood


  • Castles & Keeps
    • Greystone Keep - The original keep of the the Medvidev Family and Sivien Kings, then became the seat of Norveilish power.
    • Westcole Keep - Headquarters for the Siv City Watch as well as the city dungeons. It is located next to Siv Bridge in the Ketyat Heights district of Siv.
    • Valter Hold - Headquarters of the Norveil Military located in the Pen Hollow district of Siv.
  • Universities & Academies
  • Libraries
  • Temples & Churches
    • Halraven - Jarism temple in the Oldcity district of Siv located near the Sivien Bridge. Built in 946 by the Sivian Jarl Hilt Medvidev, a devoted jarist.
    • Amstead Cathedral - Ruidism temple in the Wind Rose district of Siv located in the north of the city near Pen Bridge. Built in ?? by ??? who brought the religion to the north.
    • Menk Hall - Jarism church in Siv, located in western Tolm's Step district.
    • - Ruidism church in Siv
    • - Sentinelism church in Siv
  • Dragon Pen
    • Feist Pen - Dragon pen located on the western outskirts Siv.
  • Bridges
    • Sivien Bridge - Northern most bridge in the city of Siv, largest bridge in the Norveil kingdom
    • Pen Bridge - Second bridge built across the Northrun river within the city limits of Siv.
    • Greystone Bridge - Bridge that crosses the Northflow River and connects Greystone Keep with the Oldcity district of Siv.
  • Docks
    • Sivien River Docks - Docks located north of Greystone Keep along the western shore of Northflow River.
  • Shipyards
    • Shinhester Shipyard - Shipyards located south of Greystone Keep along the eastern banks of Northflow River.


  • West of Northflow River
    • Oldcity - The original city, located on the western banks of the Northflow river.
    • Pen Hollow - Located in the north of the city, on the western side of Pen Bridge.
    • Axehandle - A thin, narrow district that runs north to south along the western edges of Oldcity and Pen Hollow.
  • East of Northflow River
    • Ketyat Heights - The southern most eastern district of the city on the slopes of the Ketyat mountains.
    • Wind Rose - District east of Pen Bridge close to the Northflow river.
    • Tolm's Step - Northern most district of Siv on the eastside of the Northflow river, northereast of Wind Rose.


  • Early History

    In 904, on the western banks of the Northflow River, the first stones were set for what would be come the largest city in the north. Streets and buildings grew outward from the riverbank, and to the north in the shadow of the Ketyat mountains they built the Sivien Birdge to connect the city to the farmlands to the east. On a stoney island in the center of the river Pen the Architect, the city's founder, built Greystone Keep and created the Medvidev Family.

  • Jarldom of Norviel

    Siv, like most of the first cities, started as a city-state. Over time smaller villages and towns sprang up around the city, and as the population of Siv grew, along with it's need for food and supplies, the territories controlled by the city expanded. in 1112 under the reign of Jessic I the city-state became the capitol of the newly established Jarldom of Norveil as the villages were incorporated into the expanding government influence.   At first there were many skirmishes between the Medvidevs and the other powerful families of the area, the beginning of Jessic I's reign as the first Great Jarl was a bloody time known as the Expansion Wars, hostilities that only ended with her marriage to Corin Smoke of Slate Sky.

  • Aldvire Empire

  • Time of a Thousand Kings

  • New Jarldom

Aenia Map


  • Siv Map
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

Articles under Siv


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