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Imperial Wars

The Imperial Wars or the Imperial War for Conquest are the names given to the longest conflict in the history of Aenia. A continent spanning war started by Leanna II the Conqueror in 1356 after establishing the Empire of Aldvire. Her goal was to unite the world, believing that when the gods returned the world would be thrown into turmoil, and the peoples of the world needed to be united if they stood a chance of surviving.


Theaters & Campaigns

  • Western Ventosh (10 years) -- 1356 - 1366 -- Leanna II the Conqueror marched her armies north and engaged the Kingdom of Appindor from the north, putting half her forces to the task of taking Osolette. They first took Osolette, but then had to battle thier way down the mountain corridor, fighting for each city as they did so, eventually taking the entire kingdom.
  • Frost Plains (8 years) -- 1356 - 1364 -- The other half of her forces marched west to the Frost Plains to conquer the Jarldom of Norveil. They took Reed before marching on to Siv fighting the Norveil armies all the way to the city and sieging it for many years.
  • Whispering Desert (4 years) -- 1366 - 1370 -- Seeing the now reinforced military coming down around the mountains the Kingdom of Cinder lent its forces to the Istbanians who engaged the < Imperials > at the lakes. After deafeating the Istbanian and Cindern forces at the lakes the Imperials marched directly on to Cloy, the Grand Vizier refused to kneel and Leanna ordered the city destroyed and Silverspear melted by dragonfire, an event known as the < Destruction of Cloy >.
  • Highland Peninsula (6 years)-- 1364 - 1370 -- All the armies of Kingdom of Elin emassed on the lower peninsula and built fortifications across the uphill sloping lands between the two cliffs. The met the < Imperials > on the field and waged the largest signle battle of the war.
  • Avil (0 years) -- After the < Destruction fo Cloy > the Kingdom of Cinder found itself surrounded with forces coming in from the east and west. The Grand Vizier of Cinder < Malik I Yakim > pulled his remaining forces back across the Cinder border and in 13??, surrendered to Leanna II and submitted to the Empire of Aldvire. She flew Regolith there personally, landing on the walls of Oshgun Castle to accept his surrender.
  • South to the elves and dwarves (10+ years) -- 1370 - 13?? --
Conflict Type
Start Date


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