Blackpeak Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Blackpeak is one of the most well-known Giant villages in the The Barrier Guard. There are other smaller villages or wandering tribes of Giants, including Cloud Giants and some Hill Giants near the foothills of the mountains but Blackpeak is the most preeminent. It is ruled by Skaarsgard Stoneshield, a Stone Giant of great contemplation and patience. He has asked for his followers to respect the order of the mountain and not cause havoc. He has the respect of the Cloud Giants and the fear of the Hill Giants. The Dwarves, Humans, and Goliaths visit Blackpeak more than any other Giant dwelling but that is still pretty infrequent in comparison to their other allies. Blackpeak is known to have an annual meeting with the rulers of the region to discuss trade, alliances, or just plain old philosophy.
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