Curceon Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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(pronounced Kur-see-on)

The Perfect Heart


Curceon is a noble knight, sworn to duty, faithfulness, and righteousness. He has a dual duty to seek out injustice and to also guard those that are dear. As such, his church can sometimes be divided.  


Duty is paramount to both Guardian-Clerics of Curceon and Paladins of the Perfect Heart alike. Both branches take their duty very seriously but while the Guardians do not leave their station, the Paladins are free to roam and seek out justice and promote goodness and their god. Neither group will tell a lie unless absolutely necessary and only to protect the weak or their personal charge (if a Guardian-Cleric). Both will uphold their word to the death and never betray a trust. The word of a follower of Curceon is the law of their god and it shall not be broken lightly.  

Major Centres of Worship:

Essillion houses the bulk of the paladins under Curceon’s flag with a devoted number joining the prestigious Shining Abbey, just south of the Goblin Moors. There are temples in Essillion proper, and shrines dot the road leading to Avandar.   The King’s Guard is the most fanatical guardians of Essillion but even they do not come close to the passion of the Barrier of Brightwave.   The Guardians of the Watchful Eye can be found anywhere throughout the land. Merchants will usually try to hire at least one to watch over their wagons or warehouses. While they may appear to be mercenary their pay goes almost exclusively to the church.  

Relations with other gods:

Curceon is devoted whole-heartedly to his wife Pristell, and to their young son Eriken. He is friendly with those who do not seek to subvert goodness or who aid those in need. He has a great dislike for Bruges, as he is crass and common, but he holds great hatred for Greegis. The blind ambition and uncaring nature of The Glutton was always at odds, but the hatred is far more personal than mere dogma. While Greegis’ plot to steal Curceon’s baby was foiled the attempt was never forgiven and the animosity between the two churches burns as brightly today as ever.  


Curceon appears as a tall, blonde-haired, regal man in his late 30’s. His face looks like it is chiseled stone, but he smiles often. When he laughs it is a booming laugh that echoes loudly. He is almost always armoured from head to toe and he is rarely without his trusty greatsword ‘Shining Heart’. Curceon fights honourably but without fear or anger. He is always in control of his emotions on the battlefield. When appearing unarmoured he looks like a person of noble blood and his physical stature reflects that. He has been known to occasionally spout some warrior poetry at a passing fair maiden.  

Other Manifestations:

The pure clarion call of a trumpet sometimes heralds Curceon’s favour. He enjoys appearing as a large hawk to his followers and many of them enjoy hawking as a result. Guards of noble intent have been known to see a vision of the Shining Knight just before they are about to fall asleep on duty. Invariably the vision arouses them, and they awake refreshed to continue in their duty.
Divine Classification
Imperial Being (Shards of Alucar)
Appears in...


Loyalty, Duty, Righteousness, Faithfulness, Guardians


A golden sword with an eye in the hilt, against a platinum shield background


Lawful Good

Typical Worshippers: 

Paladins, Knights, Guards, Warriors, Soldiers, Nobles


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