Underdark Krysin Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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Underdark Krysin

The Underdark Krysin are closer to the original race of the ratfolk, before they were ejected from their homes by the appearance of the Fallen.  While they have not been able to retake any of their old civilization, they make a home for themselves in the underground and sewers of major cities, preferring to be below ground than above.  The Spiked Shore contains some Underdark Krysin but the majority of that region is held by their Topside Krysin cousins.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Essillion sewers
Avandar sewers

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Krysin and Common

Culture and Cultural Heritage


Racial Features

Ability score increase: Increase your Constitution score by 2. Increase your Wisdom score by 1
  Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 ft
  Darkvision: Living most of their life in dark places, the Krysin have exceptional eyesight, granting you Darkvision to a range of 60ft
  Superior Scavengers: The Krysin have learned to survive using limited resources and scavenging for what they can. They remain hidden and take what others don’t want or don’t notice. You gain proficiency with Survival and Stealth
  Krysin Immunity: Their constant contact with vermin, and discarded materials have strengthened the immunity of Krysin so much that you are immune to disease
  Rodent Teeth: Krysin teeth are sharp and extended, much like a rodent’s, granting them an attack using their teeth as a natural weapon. You can use your teeth to make an unarmed strike dealing 1d4 piercing damage on a hit. You can choose to use either your strength or dexterity as your ability score for this attack
  Springtail Technique: A Krysin’s tail is very flexible yet strong. It provides them a sense of balance and can be used to spring them back up from a prone position very quickly. As a reaction, you can immediately remove the Prone condition from yourself
  Remarkable Darkvision: Living most of their life in the darkness below the earth, the Underdark Krysin have developed exceptional eyesight. You can see 60 ft. in darkness as if it were bright light. However this prevents them from seeing any colour making everything appear in black and white
  Climbing Claws: The claws and feet of a Krysin are exceptionally well suited for climbing in the tunnels of the Underdark. You gain a Climb speed equal to your base walking speed
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Underdark Krysin mature around 10 and live to be between 60-80
Average Height
3-4 ft
Average Weight
25-40 lbs
Average Physique
Underdark Krysin size is small

Geographic Distribution


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