Marblewell Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Stone Dwarf city of Marblewell is the smallest and most recent Stone Dwarf city on Denethen's Mantle. Centuries ago the Dwarves of Crystalhope Cragguard fought a long and tireless war with the northern city of Boulderdwell. Boulderdwell was a city of earthen denizens, comprising mostly of Galeb Duhr, Earth Genasi, Gargoyles, Geonid, and Earth Elementals, and their leader was a powerful Dao named Asha The Tremble Seeker. Her armies of Galeb Dhur and Gargoyles fought the Stone and Earth Dwarves for centuries, until finally the Dwarves emerged victorious. Renaming the city Marblewell, the Dwarves repopulated it with citizens from Crystalhope, Cragguard, and Goldencrest. That they still have Asha the Dao chained up in their prison deep beneath the earth is a well-kept secret passed down from Dwarf leader to Dwarf leader, currently residing with Uraim Stonefoe. They use her power to maintain, power, and repair the city, much to her anger and resentment. If she were ever to escape her wrath on the Dwarves would be endless. If it were to be revealed to the general world that she still lived a war between the Dao and her people and the Dwarves of Starhelm would surely rage for years.
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