Meadow's Spring Building / Landmark in Aerith | World Anvil
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Meadow's Spring

Meadow’s Spring is a large and naturally forming spring that has been around since before the founding of the city. It has since grown larger, but there is no threat of it overflowing (so far). Near Meadow’s Spring is Lightwind's Blessing, an old shrine to Anamare, that has been kept going since the founding of the city. Its popularity is small, but the Halflings of Meadowspring still show it the proper respect it deserves.


Meadow’s Spring is a large and naturally forming spring that has been around since before the founding of the city.  The city grew up around it, adding in a Crow's Nest to protect against invaders.  The spring was the lifeblood of the city and the Halflings named their city after it.


It is an immensely popular spot to fish, have picnics, or just lie and enjoy the cool breeze. It is close to the crow attraction, so the northern end is more vibrant, with the south end of the spring reserved for more quiet introspection .
Geographic Feature
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