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Kiris Cithreth

Daughter of Arannis Cithreth & Love of Darion Varrs.

Kirisalithi Cithreth (a.k.a. Kiris)

Early Years

Being the daughter of an ambasador of Evermore had its perks as Kiris was able to get the best education an elf could receive. She grew up with her parents in Torsari, her mother's home. Her father was always very busy.   Her mother, was a strong willed wood elf and passed away while Kiris was a child. At the time of her passing, her mother gave Kiris her family necklace and asked her to always follow her heart.   Her father had to take a more active role in her upbringing suddenly, which was difficult. Kiris proved to be a stubborn, free spirit. Arannis began taking Kiris on his business travels as he was never sure how long they would last. Eventually, Arannis made Mondorlyan their home, although they still found themselves traveling a lot.   Kiris was incredibly smart and enjoyed pushing the envelope of what was considered customary in elvish culture as she was drawn to things in the extreme. She became an excellent archer and hunter, though her real talent was with words, which she perfectly attuned with her sharp wit.  

Danger in Elfhaven

Nearing adulthood, her father took her on his task to Elfhaven where he would battle dark forces coming from within Wolfhurst Mountain. While Arannis lead a small force of Elven Royal Guard, his forces were outnumbered for the task at hand, so he enlisted the help of local militia. Being excellently trained, Kiris joined this force and became one of its best fighters.   One evening on a return from a mission handling a small band of goblins in an outskirt settlement, Kiris's group was ambushed by a larger goblin force with a troll. During the battle, the troll landed a hit on Kiris that threw her several feet and left her dazed. Two goblins charged her while she was on the ground. She was able to unleash one arrow to vanquish one approaching foe.   She desperately began to nock the next arrow, but the goblin swatted her bow and arms to the side as it reared its short sword. In that moment, Elia knew her time had come... then in that frozen moment a small throwing knife penetrated the goblin's head through its ear, slinging the would be attacker's elf killing blow harmlessly off target.
Kiris glanced to see another small Elfhaven militia force joining the fight. The throwing knife came from a moon elf with incredible speed, who was closing to her position several feet away. In her moment recognizing the reinforcements, she didn't notice the troll was in mid swing with its hammer to smash her on the ground.   Already in stride toward the troll, the moon elf launched himself at the hammer, grabbing it on its downward strike. The momentum from the elf slowed the hammer just enough for the blow to not be too much for him as he rode the hammer to the ground next to Kiris. He was able to soften the weight of the hit with his legs before being pinned to the sod with the great hammer pressing into his chest.
by Brian Valeza
With this all happening in a matter of seconds - the goblin, the thought of death, the saving throwing-knife, the moon elf, the troll's hammer... Kiris's head was reeling as she looked into the moon elf's eyes as he laid there face to face with her. His breath & strength struggled under the might of the troll's hammer as he wimpered, "A little help please." She quickly snapped out of her trance and whipped her bow around the hammer and unleashed an arrow into the eye of the large troll.   The troll lurched back away from the two elves, releasing the pinned moon elf. Seeing their chance, the two in graceful harmony scaled the massive creature. They reached the top of the troll and attacked simulateously. Kiris fired her bow into the top of its head as the moon elf stabbed one sword into its other eye, the second sword into its mouth.   The two leapt safely to the ground as the troll made its final stagger before crashing down lifeless. "I think you still owe me one," the moon elf wryly smiled to Kiris as he quickly pulled his swords from the troll's remains and continued to dismantle goblin attackers. Playfully flabbergasted, Kiris returned to peeling off volleys of arrows. The fight pressed on.
Darion Varrs cover
by Yohann Schepacz
The moon elf found himself surrounded by a small group of goblins. As if in a dance, he spun, sliced, and cut his way through them except the last two of the group as they closed to overrun him.   One goblin grabbed his wrist and bit his hand, causing him to release one of his swords. He stabbed his other sword into the second goblin in close quarters, but its body's momentum rolled his sword from his grasp leaving him unarmed. The last goblin surged at the elf's face only to suddenly be vaulted away by arrow. "Looks like we're even now," Kiris grinned.   The moon elf lifted his right hand and revealed a hidden throwing knife in his grasp. "I had that one, but I'll let it count," he sprightly quipped followed by a wink as he spun away, leaving Kiris piqued with squinting eyes and an unwitting smirk. There was something different about this elf.
The ambush was overcome, but not without heavy losses to both militia squads. Kiris reported to Arannis on the ambush. She explained that if not for the other group's arrival, they would have been defeated. She then noticed the moon elf nearby and pulled him into the conversation by noting that he saved her life on two occasions. "I might have, but who's counting," the elf smoothly asserted.   "Then, you have more than just my gratitude. I would be lost without my daughter," Arannis gestured in a father's relief and introduced himself.   "I'm Darion Galanodel," the moon elf replied. Arannis' mind seemed to hesitate for a brief moment at the family name as if recalling it from something specific, but he quickly dismissed the recollection. He designated that the two remnant forces join together to make a full squad.   Once Arannis and the other militia personnel began to leave the gathered location, Kiris curiously eyed the moon elf. "So, Darion Galanodel, how does a moon elf with twin blades find himself in Elfhaven?" Kiris pointedly questioned. To her surprise, the question brought a coy smile to Darion.

Love's Thorn

With their groups now combined, the two spent a lot of time together and found themselves drawn to each other. Over time, they fell in love and became very intimate. Darion was very guarded about his past, but began to open up to Kiris about his childhood in Kynsham.   Kiris soon experienced "Cementation," which is when an elf's current life’s memories fully take over their reveries, marking their entrance into adulthood. This experience is a very sad moment for an elf... to no longer be able to recall perfect happiness with their gods.   Darion tried his best to comfort Kiris during this time, but when they went into detail about it, Kiris discovered that Darion never had reveries of Allyndi and that he only had certain fragments and images from his childhood. This was very unusual and Kiris asked her father about it. Arannis became agitated at how close the two had become. Arannis scoffed at revealing any information about the name Galanodel or the reverie issue. And told her that she should focus her interest elsewhere.   Kiris expressed to Darion that while her father refused to help, his response confirmed that the information is out there. While they couldn't confer with Evermore, the knowledge would likely be held at Elvenkeep.   Without Kiris's knowledge, Darion approached Arannis about his name, but Arannis again wouldn't divulge any information. Instead he cautioned Darion that if he truely cared for Kiris that he should stay away from her. Kiris and an elven lieutenant entered the arbored walkway where they were located carrying a single Mercene Bloodrose with black thorns.
The elf announced that the rose was a delivery made for Arannis. Kiris's focus shifted to what Darion & her father had been discussing as they arrived. Immediately, Darion's demeanor changed upon seeing the rose, and he sharply quelled all conversation. Darion explained the rose was a mark of intent for the assassination of Arannis.   Darion began to quickly tell them of his past as a member of a very powerful assassins guild called The Dark Thorn. Kiris quickly realized it as true as it explained a lot about Darion's skill and secret past. She relayed her belief in Darion's story to her father. Being a former member, Darion knew how to have the contract voided.   Persuaded by Kiris, Arannis did as Darion instructed using Darion's single amnesty spell scroll which is given to each member of The Dark Thorn. Once Arannis voided the contract, he glared at Darion in disgust before storming away.
by SunnyBoy
Darion turned to Kiris and told her he had leave Elfhaven. In apologizing for keeping his past a secret, he said that if they discovered him there, they would stop at nothing to destroy everything he cared for and ultimately kill him. Kiris defiantly refused and said they should fight them together. But, Darion did not relent as the risk was too high. He would deal with The Dark Thorn on his own, then return to her. Kiris gave him the necklace her mother gave her as a child and had Darion promise to return it to her one day. The two exchanged one last embrace, then Darion left Kiris's life as quickly as he entered it.  

by LAS-T

Kiris was heartbroken. Her melancholy was something her father could not cure, but Arannis knew that time & activity could help heal her heart. So, he began giving her more responsibilities in Elfhaven, which included finding out who was responsible for the plot against his life.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 7"

Cover image: by Magali Villeneuve
Character Portrait image: by Matt McInerney


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