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Pantheon of Magic

While there is a chronicle in historical archives naming a Pantheon of Magic, it only entails groups that speak as authorities on magic. Individuals that worship magic, or Sytys herself, do so through the study of the intricacies of the Fabric of Aero. However, it isn't uncommon for paladins or clerics to do deeds in the name of Sytys as a show of gratitude for the abilities bestowed upon them.  

Authorities of Magic

by chrom
  • Moonstone Towers — while the Elven High Council is the primary voice in matters within Elven Culture, Moonstone is seen as the authority in matters pertaining to magic & the arcane for the Elves
    by Alex Syler
  • The Order of Sytys — made of mostly humans, this organization was given power by the Emperor of Aethos to be the authority on magic & the arcane within the Empire
  • by Exellero

    Cover image: by Exellero


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