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Arriving from the Realm of Chaos during the War of the Realms Doppelgangers naturally appear as tall slender blue creatures with mute features. They are carnivorous favouring the flesh of sentient creature whose memories and experiences they taste as they feast upon their flesh. In pursuit of this they often infiltrate civilised societies taking the place of their kill as they seek out a new prey.   Doppelgangers often live solitary lives but where they meet other kin they easily form attachments hunting together as they create entire family units or 'casts' of characters to support their hunt. Though they may engage in civilisation Doppelgangers are always seeking their next meal and should not be mistaken for civilised creatures, they adapt to the environment to aid their efforts with little care for the frivolities offered to them.

Basic Information


Doppelgangers in their natural form are blue skinned humanoids without hair but they most often morph their forms into that of a creature they have consumed. When transformed they can grow or reduce their height by around twelve centimetres adopting realistic duplicates to any examination of the features of any race be they bone, hair or other such attribute.

Genetics and Reproduction

Doppelganger can reproduce sexually or asexually dependent on their preferred outcome.    Asexual reproduction occurs during their final years where they convert their own form into a small clutch of eggs. These eggs grow and hatch over a period of two to twelve months birthing Doppelganger's roughly the size of babies that are able to naturally take the form of babies roughly fitting the features of their hosts final stolen form. They grow over the course of ten years to their full size.   Sexual reproduction happens between a Doppelganger and a fertile member of another species. During this a Doppelganger impregnates the other species with offspring that is destined to grow into a Changeling though Doppelgangers do not perform this out of any duty. Instead they wait as close as they can bare to birth before devouring the pregnant host and enjoying two meals at once.


Though their manner and behaviour may suggest that they are sentient Doppelgangers are little more than predatory beasts seeking out their next meal. Their ability to replicate mannerisms and intelligence is largely a product of the form they display using the behaviours of their last meal to create a strategy to secure their next feast. Attempts to civilize Doppelgangers have been wildly unsuccessful when researchers have found them at best achieving an alteration into their 'personas' manner that allowed the Doppelganger to consume its investigator.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Doppelgangers are capable of transforming into any creature they have consumed adopting their exact appearance given it fits within twelve centimetres of their natural height. Alongside this visual transformation a Doppelganger possesses the memories of any creature it consumes allowing them to effectively replicate the behaviours and manner of their meal. This allows the Doppelganger to effectively infiltrate societies slowly hunting entire communities until no one remains.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Din-Yavek Dorek Sovok Kiieshaz
Geographic Distribution

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