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Father Gregor Durst

Born in Vallaki as Gregor Dosterich the father was a poor scribe who suffered ill under the laws of the authoritarian church. Finding little money in his trade Gregor soon turned to forgery writing documents allowing departure from the city, proofs of entitlement and writs of ownership for homes and farms. It was not this that caught him notoriety though as he was caught only when in pursuit of a married woman he was caught in bed. Accused of adultery Gregor was to be put to death by the flame but managed to escape the prison cell during a festival thanks to a combination of bribes and duplicity.   Recalling a story told by some adventurers Gregor decided to travel to the long forgotten 'Death House' where the noble House of Durst had once resided. There he discovered the old documents proving the nobility of the family and details of their travels through the valley. With careful application of his skills as a forger he was able to draw in a new line to the family proving his 'lineage' and starting a new life as Gregor Durst, the lost heir to the Durst line.    Though the Durst family had few assets of their own that were still in any state to be taken over his arrival in Village of Barovia saw a warm welcome by Ismark the Greater who welcomed a new noble family to the village. Seeking to affirm his position Gregor took the place of the Father, a position that had been left vacant since the suicide of their priest over a century ago.    Though the villagers remain wary of the church itself Father Gregor has been welcomed into the township where he has begun to create a new family. Discovery of documents pertaining to vampirism from the old priest has also led to a new curiosity as Father Gregor has captured a lesser Vampire from the court of Count Strahd Von Zarovich. On Vandorn the Father performs twisted experiments in part to cure the blood disease and in part to find more effective ways of killing them that he might allow Village of Barovia to be truely safe at last from the horrors beyond.
Current Location
Current Residence
Church of the Morning Lord
He / Him
The Church of the Morning Lord

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