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Gruumsh / Agasta

Worshipped primarily by Orc's Gruumsh the One-Eyed is a deity of trickery who schemes and aspires to spread dissent and mischief among people. Gruumsh is more likely than most gods to intervene in the mortal plane and often has complex interwoven plans that take many generations to come into beings. The plans do however tend to serve a noble aim or purpose and while he is a being of trickery it cannot be said that Gruumsh is a truly evil being.   Gruumsh was one of the most powerful dragons in history. So powerful was his command of arcanum and demented his mind that he attempted to ascend to godhood by merging with the shapeshifting deity Agasta and destroying his mortal form in the process. His essence was torn asunder and he was assimilated into the Trickster spread across the void as little more than an echo in the deities mind. This echo however has caused many to interpret Agasta as Gruumsh with even the Ederic Pantheon  giving the deity Gruumsh’s name.


There are innumerable weapons given by Gruumsh upon the realm often to the hands of his champions for their free usage within the vile and complex schemes of the whisperer's mind.   The most famed is the dagger Red-Eye which is rumoured to be passed across the rulers of the Knives syndicate. The blade is said to be sharp enough to cut stone as if it were water and be visible only when its wielder wishes.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sigil: Chipped Eye

Tenets of Faith

Prayer of Whispered Lies True power cannot be seen Order exists only against chaos, so Chaos must never be culled Truth exists only against deceit, so Deceit must never be culled Fate exists only against chance, so Chance must never be culled   Funeral Rights   Worshipers of Gruumsh enjoy their greatest reward when buried in accordance with another deities traditions. It is believed that if you can step foot in another deities afterlife you will be welcomed as a champion into the Shadow Lands on your expulsion.


Feast Day of Gruumara:   Celebrated on the 15th of Gruumara the feast day of Gruumsh is celebrated mostly by children as a day of respite during the growing winter. Customs tend towards allowing the mischievous side of children to be let out:
  • Children run around warning others of an oncoming disaster, you must ignore them or they are allowed to pull a wicked prank on you and Gruumsh himself will meddle in your affairs all year
  • Children must take 1 item from their parents home in the morning and hide it elsewhere. If it is not found by the end of the day Gruumsh will favour them throughout the year
  • Children must weave a tale and let it pass through the town if at the end of the day their tale is both believed and widespread they will be favoured by Gruumsh

Physical Description

Body Features

Agasta/Gruumsh is portrayed as a hooded orc with one eye that is often a gem in statues. He can speak to those who draw on him or possess Orcish blood but has no real tangible presence.
Divine Classification

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