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Orc’s were created by one of the most ferocious Dragons , Gruumsh the One-Eyed, who sought to use them as the ultimate warrior species that could dominate all others in Aesalia. Orc’s today continue this legacy where they are most known for their diminished intelligence which often causes uncontrollable bursts of rage and violence. This tendency has led to orc’s begin excluded from most civilised societies and segregated in those few they are allowed in.   Orcs tend to live in strongholds on the outskirts of land or in isolated societies using Half-Orc's as diplomats. This isolation and their own diminished intelligence has resulted in them knowing little about their draconic ancestry though many claim to still hear the voice of Gruumsh before they enter a rage egging them on to lose control. For this reason Gruumsh is often taken as the patron god of orckind and worshiped in lavish celebrations on his feast day.

Basic Information


Orc appearances differ significantly between regions based often on the intermingled blood of their species, from breeding slaves claimed on raids, leading to shifting body types though several traits tend to be common place.   Orc's possess a standard humanoid frame with thick skin that is often green, brown or grey in hue. Their hair is notably coarse and often grows black or brown before greying as they reach a greater age. Orc males and females can grow facial hair though the tendency of this seems largely to be linked to genetic ancestry. Orcs are stronger than other species and grow muscle mass quicker than other groups whilst also losing strength slower.   Three key body types of orcs can be identified as:
  • Slopeback Orcs who tend to be muscular of form with a sharp, elven, ear and two sets of tusks emerging from their mouths in place of outer teeth
  • Longback Orcs who tend to be leaner and taller than their counterparts, most often using horses as key parts of society, and enjoy long braids in their hair
  • Thrallback Orcs who tend to be shorter and more skittish than their counterparts taking on many qualities of goblins whom they regularly breed with

Genetics and Reproduction

Orcs reproduce following sexual relations with another primate descended species. Following fertilization orc babies are gestated for 6 months before they are born in what are often difficult births due to the rapidly growing size of the child. In cases where multiple orc babies are simultaneously gestated in one room the birth is almost always fatal due to the intense pain and damage of the birthing process.   Women who birth orcs are unable to conceive another child for two months while their reproductive system repairs itself from the turmoil of birth. Orcish women do not experience periods during this time but experience a 'black blood' period when they are capable of bearing children again.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dependent on their racial heritage orc lifespans can fluctuate but tend to last around fifty years with longer living species reaching sixty or seventy whilst shorter pass little more than thirty. The martial nature of most orcish lifespans does mean that death due to old age is a rare sight and often frowned upon.    Orc's grow quickly after birth and reach their natural height and body shape by their tenth birthday. Their mental capacity tends to have slower development however and complex, particularly abstract ideas, prove difficult to understand until their physical development concludes wherein their mental development and puberty begin around the age of ten to eleven and ending usually after two years.    The separation of physical and mental development means that most orcs are denied a formal education until their tenth name day contributing to the educational shortcomings of their society. Orcs physical development does however mean that both males and females are able to reproduce from a young age with females reproductive development being defined by the beginning of their menstrual cycle whilst males begin to experience erections towards their genitalia.

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs tend to prefer dryer environments with wetter environments often causing irritation to their skin. Orcs who choose to live in wetter or more temperate climates tend to wear extra layers to separate themselves from the weather and often develop respiratory problems if in repeatedly damp conditions such as rain storms that last multiple days.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcs are omnivores but can survive entirely on a meat diet where necessary. Vegetarian dishes are considered optional additions to their meals and often claimed from raids as luxuries rather than personally harvested or farmed.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orcish societies tend to follow a single strong ruler whose decision are made law without challenge. This ruler asserts power through strength but is often guided by a group of female or older male orcs. Female orcs tend to manage the reproductive affairs of the orcish people with the exception of breeding slaves who are used as their owners require.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Orcs can be found throughout Aesalia but tend to exist on the fringes of more civilised areas in their own self-contained racial groupings. Half-orcs often act as intermediaries between orcs and another races.

Average Intelligence

Generally Orcs possess limited cognitive ability with particular issues regarding long term and abstract concepts which develop late, if at all, within orcs. Longback's tend to have a less severe form of this than their kin but all are partial to incidents of sudden and uncontrolable bursts of rage.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orcs possess the power to use their innate arcanum to cause magical effects with practice. Orcs tend to practice the divine magic of Gruumsh or extra-planar entities that promise the clan great power or otherwise to represent Gruumsh .

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Orcs have a single name given at birth by their mothers and to which the addendum ‘of Clan X’ is added. Clanless Orcs instead use the addendum ‘the Clanless’ though such a title brings shame upon them from other Orcs they encounter.   An Orcish Clan cannot have two Orcs of the same name and such an occurrence usually leads to a duel in which the loser either dies or changes their name. In the latter occurence the new name is chosen by the Clan Shaman and the orc is forced to undergo their trials of adulthood once more.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Sovok Baniir
Average Height
Slopeback Orcs - 1.7-1.9m Longback Orcs - 1.8-2.0m Thrallback Orcs - 0.8-1.6m
Average Physique
Orcs naturally develop a high level of physical strength and tend to possess strong metabolisms that aid in maintaining their muscle mass. Where orcs are malnourished and their bodies begin to decay brain functions end bone structures tend to weaken before muscle mass eventually leading starved orcs to be physically strong but mentally absent entities.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Orcish communities often use tatoos and piercings to decorate their bodies including their tusks. Many orcs possess scars which are proudly shown and largely revered within societies for the stories they herald from.
Geographic Distribution
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