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Half-Elves are the result of diluted elven blood and often come as a result of Human-Elven interbreeding. Half-Elves are prized in most human kingdoms as court mages or wise men but the Elves also welcome them as diplomats and teachers.

Basic Information


Half-elves take after their parents often looking like the non-elven parent with but with the addition of elven ears and a slightly lither frame. They rarely grew facial hair unless their non-elven parent was particularly hirsute and even then would grow only short and often patchy facial hair. Their hair colour tended to fit their non-elven ancestor but often their eye colour would come from the elven parent meaning many had abnormal shades for their people exposing their heritage for generations to come.

Genetics and Reproduction

Half-Elves reproduce through sexual intercourse and can do so with any other species descended from primates. Half-Elves tend to produce half-elven children but with gradually diminished elven traits, unless their partner is elven in which case the non-elven trait weakens.    Half-Elf gestation tends to take nine months and is often an easy process with the children coming out smaller than their non-elven parents kin but soon growing to a similar size.

Growth Rate & Stages

Half-Elves mature at the same rate as their non-elven parentage but maintain their youthful appearance for longer. Half-Elves development is usually in parallel with their non-elven parentage as is much of their life but for its ending. Half-Elves tend to live around a third longer than their non-elven parents and in that final phase enter a similar development to Elven elders; growing grey hair and wrinkles with a gradual reduction in their physical and increase in their mental strength.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Half-Elves are omnivores but tend to take after their elven parents in a preference for vegetables over substantial meat portions.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Half-Elves inherited their elven parents talent with magic and while not as naturally capable often took well to spellcasting and when given the opportunities to learn it.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Half-Elves have simple naming customs in which children are given names by their parents in addition to the Family Name inherited from the father, unless in a matrilineal marriage.   Half-Elves born of a full Elven parent almost always take the name of their human parent unless born as a bastard and unclaimed. Half-Elves whose Elven parent possess a surname often keep it in written memory and pass it down their lineage where the surname is used as proof of heritage if they seek to flee to Liadon.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Sovok Haveye A
A third longer than their non-elven parent
Average Height
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