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When the thief Sedar stole Cenarius' prized gauntlet the furious elder faey had Sedars entire clan kidnapped to be made as slaves of the faey. These wood elves were touched by the magic of the Faeywild and over several generations would evolve to become the Eladrin.

Basic Information


The appearance of Eladrin alter greatly due to the interweaving of the Faeywild and their own abundant and innate arcanum. Eladrin's physical form is determined by the season they are present in until they reach adulthood where it becomes permanently locked in the season of their residence. These modifications come in a range of ways from entirely different skin colours and textures. Hair and eye colours change greatly and their hair can become as snow or leaves. Eladrin tend to be shorter than other elves but are often also thicker in stature than others.

Biological Traits

Eladrin are elves born within the Faeywild  and make up one of the largest population groups in the supernatural region of Aesalia. Eladrin communities tend to be particularly magical in nature but often intervene beyond the Faeywild less than other faey. Eladrin Elves are hunted by many beyond the faeywild as trophies to show off their wisdom and power.

Genetics and Reproduction

Eladrin can reproduce with any primate or faey descended species. Eladrin reproduce through sexual intercourse and become able to reproduce after the infancy stage of their lives. appearance births tend to be easy with children often coming out slightly smaller than others but quickly growing to a comparative human size within the first year.   Eladrin tend to reproduce at a slower rate than other species preferring to keep their numbers few so as to not overconsume the resources of their local area. Eladrin unions are expected to have at least two children to replace their own number and prevent the species dying out but will rarely have more children unless there is a clear need to do so.

Growth Rate & Stages

While the exact lifespans of Eladrin depends on their subspecies they experience life through four stages; Infancy, Maturing, Adulthood, Elders.   Eladrin experience the infancy cycle for the first two decades of their lives. During this phase they age at roughly the same route as humans in both mental and physical development. They tend to grow faster for the first decade before a gradual shift after and experience the stages of 'puberty' that humans share.   As their puberty ends they enter the maturing stage where they maintain there early adult forms for around a century and experience continued gradual mental development and, towards the end of the phase, begin to age into an older more defined face and bodily features. Eladrin in this stage tend to be particularly explorative and active finding the passion they want to commit themselves to. Many elven societies do however forbid elves at this stage from making permanent and lasting commitments.   There is no formal transition into adulthood though it usually occurs after the first century of an elves life and is marked by the eladrin choosing their chosen path and taking on a new name that reflects their newly chosen nature. This is the longest stage of adult life and usually lasts between six and eight centuries before they begin to move into their position as elders.   Elders usually mark their shift with the first grey emerging in their hair. While slow to start once an eladrin reaches this final stage of their life their hair greys and wrinkles begin to form on their skin in addition to a general physical decline but mental expansion. For this reason elders take places of leadership in their communities where they are revered for their wisdom and knowledge.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Eladrin are omnivores whose diet adapts with their physical form dependent on the environment of their gestation and, if long periods are spent living in and area, their place of living.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Eladrin like other elves are particularly skilled at magic and possess a natural abundancy of arcanum in their form, a design choice by their creators to allow them to solve petty problems with simple spells. Eladrin communities tend to treat magic as an important part of education and most eladrin spend some of their adulthood learning magic to enhance their chosen craft.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Sovok Haveye Fayizk
Average Height
Geographic Distribution
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