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Lord of the Autumn Court

Hyrsam is the Lord of the Autumn Court and one of the most powerful Faey in the Faeywild. Despite his position on the Seelie Court many believe him to have secret ties to the Unseelie Court though this has never been proven.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hyrsam was brought into being a Satyr of the Autumn Court. He was a tricky youth with a penchant for the overconsumption of wine and promiscuity that quickly earned the ire of several more senior Faey. This roaming chaos defined much of Hyrsam's early life traversing freely and carelessly across the courts without interest or care for the chaos he laid. His journeys were not merely confined to the realm of the Faeywild and tales are aplenty around Aesalia of Satyr's mischievous antics most often originating with Hyrsam himself.    The true majesty of his events however came during his adolescence when Hysram led a band of Satyr in rebellion against the Seelie Court which he claimed forced an unjust structure upon the Faeywild and oppressed the Faey into a life of servitude. His rebellion was not of arms but words and refusal with his supporters making revelry for days of end damaging the land around them and refusing to work or serve their lords. With a cruel grace his acts danced through any law that the Seelie Court might charge him leaving only fury and anger against the Satyr. Yet for only one month did this chaos continue until at last the revelry ended and Hyrsam agreed to meet with the Seelie Court and negotiate an end to his chaotic spree.    What followed was a widely disputed event known as the Banquet of Barbed Roses in which the Seelie Court was poisoned and attacked by a host of Unseelie Court agents. A heated battle ensued in which the Seelie Court and Unseelie Court waged their first and most devastating open battle leaving hordes of Faey dead yet after its end only one elder faey had died the Lord of the Autumn Court leaving a vacancy on the council.    Through careful diplomacy and for his heroism in the battle Hyrsam was appointed as the new Lord of the Autumn Court leaving the land to become a place of hedonism, joy and orgiastic revelry. The Autumn Court lives an endless life of celebration on a harvest that never finishes yet the Lord of the Autumn Court is no mere fool and while he may drink and revel as much as any other he is always planning his next move.



Intellectual Characteristics

Hyrsam is a highly intelligent figure and prefers to downplay his intelligent and understanding in place of a jovial and mischievous demeanour. Perhaps the clearest example of this can be seen in his preference for magically altered wine that does not induce inebriation whilst feeding those around him a usual batch. This paired with his wit and promiscuity presents the Prince of Fools in a manner disarming to his opponents exactly as he intends.   Hyrsam is also a powerful spellcaster with a strong command of charm and illusion magic that he regularly uses to beguile and manipulate others into his will. Many have suggested that the great celebration that led to his ascension to Lord of the Autumn Court was in fact the result of a powerful charm spell and emboldened by illusory jests and numbers. Whatever the truth Hyrsam has proven his powers on numerous occasions not least through the warlocks bound to him who engage in all manner of foul trickery.

Morality & Philosophy

Hyrsam is not a strictly amoral entity but his care for law is non-existent and his motivations are hard to understand or perceive. He does not seek power for its own sake but as a means to destroy the very system that empowers it. Hyrsam is a stalwart supporter of anarchism and would see the Faeywilds free and unruly once more with even the courts destroyed in favour of every faey acting according to their own desires and dreams. He cares little for how the mer live their lives and is interested only in what the superior faey desire yet he will use them to empower himself without care for the damage they cause.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Autumn Court, The Prince of Fools, The Savage, The Lord of Satyr,  The Jester of Sun and Stars, The Demon Dancer
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Autumn Tanned
Aligned Organization

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