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Beings of revelry and joy the Satyr of the Faeywild are the Faey most inclined to depart their homes to delight in vice and deviancy among the common species of the land. While they prefer to stick to forests Satyr can be found in most societies at some point or another spreading joy among the populace until their prankish manner goes to far.   Despite this Satyr can also be fiercely protective of those that have treated them right returning from the Faeywild even centuries after their first appearance to help the ones they love the most. Satyr warriors are as fierce foes as they are revellers fighting with the knowledge it will bring forth a greater celebration.

Basic Information


Satyrs upper bodies resemble that of a human with the exemption of, often curled, horns protruding from their forehead similar to those of a goat. Their upper bodies tend to be slightly overweight due to the satyr's diet of grand feasts and liquor. The lower body of a satyr is two goat legs covered in a rich fleece of fur that matches the hairs on their torso and head.

Genetics and Reproduction

Satyr, like all Faey, are born of the Faeywild. Satyr are formed at times of great revelry and celebration appearing from feast tables, pots of alcohol or grand dances when the atmosphere around them is suitably glorious and splendid. Their appearance is often defined in part by the seasonal court of their birth and in part by those celebrating around them. Celebrations of Eladrin might birth satyr with leafy skin or more elven features whilst celebrations of hags might birth a deformed of hideous looking satyr.

Growth Rate & Stages

Satyr are born looking around a four year old human and gradually grow over the course of their lives often at irregular intervals as they grow more powerful and wise. Most satyr reach their maturity by the end of their first decade though some may take far longer and others far shorter. Those satyr who seek out substantial power may continue to grow reaching grand heights such as Hyrsam though few satyr achieve such.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Satyr live lives of great revelry and are able to consume anything and often in enormous quantities. Unlike many other species a satyr never feels completely full and can eat an unending supply of food so long as it is present alongside an unstoppable horde of ales and wine.
Scientific Name
Fayizk Dorek Kezzen
Average Height
Geographic Distribution

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