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King Markos Zarovich

"A handsome young man nearing 23 years of age. His chainmail is clearly visible as is his gambeson reinforced tabard and a long wolf-fur cloak. He has a well crafted yet simple longsword and a dagger on his waist. A simple metal crown adorns his ginger-brown hair and whispers of stubble can be seen on his face."
Excerpt from A Land United
  The Count of Eivurn, later King of Zarosk, was a famous ruler of Teremian history. He united several counties, repelled the Ashen Ascendency and began the House of Zarovich, which though only three rulers long, would transform the nation.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to an age old dynasty still new to power Markos was in no way assured. Only one century earlier his grandfather Count Orban Zarovich had taken the throne following the power vacuum left by Count Keno Dustledorf. Though his early youth saw him afforded the finest in education and tutelage Markos was not an instinctively academic pupil. Often sneaking out to hunt or practice his swordsmanship it was only after the Feast Day Massacre that he began to mature.   With the death of his parents and the crown now upon his shoulders the young count committed himself to becoming a ruler worthy of his fathers legacy. With the heroic Commander Osman as his tutor in matters of war and Caesar Merkstein to teach him of matters of state he seemed destined to greatness. A greatness shown in his taming of Yrna, the surviving child of an owlbear that had terrorised the local woodlands.   The first great challenge of his rule came to the twenty-two year old monarch was the Fireborn Invasion when it was revealed that Commander Osman had, whilst grooming the young count, been scheming to invade the lands of the former Zarosk through the use of his mercenary company The Fireborn. Tricking the count into launching the Eivurn-Solstein War and committing his forces elsewhere the region seemed open to invasion. Yet it was to his surprise the young count proved a greater study that believed repelling the Fireborn assault on his city with the aid of Caesar Merkstein and his returning northern levies.    With the Heroes of Borlun slaying Commander Osman in Solstein and creating a marriage alliance between him and Warchief Ubba through the warchief's daughter Ingrid. This would form the foundation of a new age of peace with modernisation coming to the valley and military might coming to Eivurn  In the ensuing decades Count Markos would have to endure the Olfen Plague as his nation reconstructed from the losses at war. Yet alongside it emissaries from the Ashen Ascendency became increasingly present throughout the surrounding lands. Their presence at first seemed to be a means of reaching out but soon proved to be little more than demands of subjugation under flowery language of Ashen 'guardianship'.   When the emissaries finally came before Markos their demands had little veil. Seeing the threat he sent forth the Heroes of Borlun who had already proven themselves his steadfast champions to unite the former Kingdom of Zarosk under his banner. Only such a union he believed would be able to resist the advance of the Ashen Ascendency as had been done centuries before King Klaus Grubhaussen.


Markos was educated in matters of state, finance and history by Caesar Merkstein who was in charge of overseeing the distribution of his education. Commander Osman, a revered mercenary captain, trained him in strategy and combat with interventions from assorted knights and nobles at his courts to teach him their own secrets and techniques. He also received a thorough theological education from his court priest.    At the conclusion of his formal education Markos continued a great interest in study and was renowned for his wisdom and erudition. This would continue in his son Prince Barov though the martial prowess of the son would not exceed the father.


Family Ties

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Count of Eivurn
Lord of the Stormkeep
King of Zarosk
'The Young Wolf'
Date of Birth
12th Treant
Year of Birth
1876 1E 45 Years old
He / Him

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