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Magic is caused by the channeling of arcanum either from an external or internal source to alter the fabric of the world. Successful mastery of arcanum allows for effects as minor as the opening of a door to the complete rewriting of reality.   Magical effects require a combination of somatic, verbal and material components. These combine with the arcanum to produce a desired effect. For the verbal components one must speak in arcan which is a language of power and not of parlance. Each word of Arcan has an effect or alteration on reality and when combined with other components can have significant outcomes.   Magic tends to be divided into the '8 + 1' schools:
  • Divination: Magical augmentations of ones perception of the future and the present
  • Evocation: Magical spells designed for aggressive combat
  • Abjuration: Magical spells designed for defensive combat
  • Conjuration: Magical spells designed to create from nothing or summon from another plane
  • Transmutation: Magical spells designed to alter the nature of something
  • Illusion: Magical spells designed to create alter another's perception of reality
  • Enchantment: Magical spells designed to alter the intentions of individuals towards one another
  • Necromancy: Magical spells designed to command death and its approach on the living
The + 1 school is:
  • Psionics: A set of magic that exists in opposite to the normal process of spellcraft.

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