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The immense size of the great city has led to a substantial variation of its population. The outer areas of the city tend to be more impoverished whilst the Palatial and Clerical districts tend to have larger populations of wealthy and noble residents. Merchants and the middle class thrive along the districts that border the main roads and those dedicated to specific guilds or trades.    Overall the population is about 50% workers and the indigent, 30% merchants and traders and a final 20% clerics and noblemen. Of the working population about 10-20% are slaves.


To understand the nexus of power in Rolén one must understand the role of the four key power nexus’: The Emperor, The Grand Duke, The City Council and the Grand Cleric.   While it is easy to assume the Emperor would maintain the most power due to his rank and tradition in maintaining court from the city, the leader of the state often has little real influence on everyday affairs. Emperors that have attempted to control the city have often found themselves the subject of plots both by the challenged Grand Duke but also the other nobles who often find the affairs of the rest of the state sidelined. As such Emperors largely take the position that so long as the people are happy and loyal they need not make a remark.   The Grand Duke is the aristocratic and legal ruler of the city and often viewed as the most powerful duke in Celium, and the reigning Empire. Officially he maintains sovereign authority in the city and can pass legislation as he wishes but in practice his main job is managing the affairs of the nobles that make residence within its walls. Grand Duke’s manage everyday affairs through the City Council, the purview of which changes with every Grand Duke. Some Grand Dukes will chair this council themselves while others delegate it to a representative, often their heir, while they attend the noble classes.   The City Councils largely manage the everyday affairs of merchants and common folk and are elected from the various districts (not including the slums and sewers). The council is composed largely of merchants and clergymen who between themselves manage affairs such as the city guards, sanitation, etc. Most decisions regarding the city are made within the City Council.   True power, however, is often seen as lying with the Grand Cleric who leads the church from within Rolen. All components of the church are managed from the city including the Templars, Inquisitors and Mages. Between these forces a ready force of at least 9,000 is always present within the city, often acting as the guards for the Cathedral and Arcane districts of the city. In these districts the City Council’s influence is largely nominal with the Grand Cleric wielding true power.   The presence and history of the church also has the population of Rolen being among the most dedicated Tathamites in the nation. Most of the commoners' views are shaped by their local priests and it is rightly feared by the aristocracy that if they should cross the Church the people will be moved against them.


Rolén boasts a number of defences and has long claimed itself to have never successfully been besieged with the ascension to the Celian Empire from independence coming as the result of a treaty rather than a battle. A great wall surrounds the city which no army has ever breached. Towers along the wall host vast stores of weapons and each can have 10 men standing side by side from from to back. Beyond the wall some slums have also begun to form the perimeter of which is defended by a smaller 'Mud Wall' which serves primarily to give the defenders time to man their own defences before an attacking army arrives.    In terms of soldiers the city boasts four separate forces that come together in the event of a siege.    The City Watch or 'Sandpipers' as they are often known for their chosen sigil primarily tend to the policing of the city but are deployed militarily in the siege. The watch numbers at around 2000 but are often young men or women seeking to learn battle or elderly soldiers taken on for their skill and local reputation. More peasants can also be recruited in the event of battle with the watch possessing the means to arm at least 20,000 if the need should arise.    The Grand Duke boasts his own forces of some 600 men who primarily tend to the defensive needs of the noble districts supporting the City Watch were necessary. Unlike the city watch the forces of the Grand Duke are well trained and healthy, most easily recognised for the Gold Cloaks that hang from their backs.    The Emperor also boasts his own Pretorian Guard that joins him and manages his own defences. While this group, known to some by its old name of the 'Ash Legion', is headquartered in Milesia at least 100 elite soldiers are present in the capitol at any time to protect the palace. A further 50 travel alongside the Emperor and augment his forces during his visits to Rolén. These forces have been known to assist in peacekeeping around the palace but rarely go any further.   The final and largest force belongs to the Church whose Templars, Inquisitors, Magi and other wings are all based out of the city. While they maintain no real peacekeeping beyond the canon law and are often sent forth to carry out their tasks the clerical forces at any given time number around 9000 acting as no small reminder of ecclesiastical authority. Since it's founding and assimilation into the Empire the church has always pledged to defend Rolén in the event of an attack.

Industry & Trade

Rolén is the heart of the Empire and enjoys significant wealth from trade buying and selling goods to and from merchants local and foreign. Much of this is managed in the docks but not all as several caravans also operate out of Rolén to move wealth across the landmass.    Innumerable artisans also make Rolén their home both for the endless opportunities it presents and as a chance to show their wares to the powerful residents of the city.    Crime is also rife with all three Thieves Guilds operating in force within the borders. Common rumours suggests that the criminals operate under the watch of a Lord who ensures they pay a 'shadow tax' to the Grand Duke and do not operate beyond their purview or cause too much disruption.


Rolén has a significant dock and shipyards which allow for its economic needs and ensure it is a centre of trade for the region. The Dock districts are maintained and regulated by an array of merchants and boast hundreds of inns and taverns for the transient sailors to make their homes.    Roadworks are of mixed quality with the old roads that run through the heart of the city being the finest quality and the newer roads built to accommodate the shifting needs of the city varying from stone-based to dirt paths. Despite the quality above an advanced sewer system runs beneath Rolén that is home to several communities and contested for its discreet access to the world above. The complexity and design of the sewers has been copied to many other cities but never to the same quality and standard.


The Districts of Rolén and substantial areas divided themselves into subdistricts and neighbourhoods. Power in these territories is contested by the major Thieves Guilds who maintain a presence in each of the areas that is often accepted by the local law enforcement. Some districts are actively contested between the groups.   Knives Districts: Palatial District Noble District Northern District (Middle Class Living) Southern District (Middle Class Living) Park District Naval Dockyards Administrative Districts Sewers   Guild Districts Merchants District Craftsmen’s District Arena District Northern District (Middle Class Living) Eastern District (Low Class Living Southern District (Middle Class Living) Administrative Districts Northern Slums Eastern Slums   Road Districts Arcane District Cathedral District Merchant Dockyards Administrative Districts Sewers Northern Slums Eastern Slums Southern Slums
Large city
Start of 2E: Approx. 500,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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