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Empire of Celium

Capital: Rólen   The Empire of Celium is the oldest human Empire in Falarin and boasts the largest city in the region at the ancient city known now as Rólen. Celium is often viewed as the largest state in Falarin both due to Serona often being considered an extension of its landmass but also the nature of Istria, which rivals it in size, being largely one of autonomous duchies.   During the first age Celium was considered one of the two great powers in Falarin with the Unified Duchies of Istria acting as their main rivals. The two sides have been in numerous wars since their inception with almost all the fighting being over the Riverlands region that sits along their border.


Among the nobility Celian life is one publically of honour, decency and patriotism but in private of plots, pragmatism and ruthlessness. Celian nobles live a life of decadent luxury furnishing their abodes with the latest in fashion and taste regardless of the expense. Indeed nearly all nobles houses have a debt that they are paying off to ensure they are not viewed as behind the times.   Commonfolk tend to live simple lives based around the church and their obligations to their lords. Most will work the profession of their ancestors unless they are able to impress their lord or some passing dignitary. Slavery is commonplace and even the poorest Celians can usually afford a malnourished half-elf to assist with everyday life.


The Celian courts are renowned for their brutality, deception and quick movements with many referring to the everyday affairs as ‘The Celian Waltz’. While every count, duke and baron seeks to expand their own power and domain the key aim is to hold the position of Emperor which requires election by the nobility. In these elections landed nobles receive two votes and landless one but all are eligible for nomination.   The Emperors of Celium are constrained only by the constitution which is largely a ceremonial document pledging them to act as Defender of the Faith for the Celian Church of Tatham and to further and protect the aims of the Empire. It does however contain the infamous “Elector’s Decree” which prevents the title from becoming hereditary without a majority vote in favour by the aristocracy, a vote which may only be called by an Emperor every twenty years and after they themselves have served in the role for at least a decade. With the average emperor surviving for around five years before they’re often brutal death this law has remained sternly in position.   Those who live as Emperors however are able to rule as they wish and often use it to strengthen their families and friends positions through wealth and land endowments. This selfish nature, in conjunction with the constant threat of Istria, has stagnated the Celian Empire and prevented it from furtherly expanding its borders.   The Celian Church holds significant political power and has been known to spread rumours and direct scrutiny upon nobles that challenge its authority. The Grand Cleric of the Celian Church as such is a widely coveted position with the various theologians, and indeed military/magical wings, of the church playing their own political games to secure it often taking the backing of the aristocracy to fulfil their aims.   The military is often considered a powerful force in its own right alongside the Church and Nobility. With Knightly Orders and veterans being a deciding factor in both domestic and foreign security the military has been involved in various plots throughout Celium’s history with one commentator describing them as the ‘visible knife of our lady Celium’.


The Celian military is organised in a feudal form with levies being raised in events of wars. Landless nobles often have personal retinues maintained by their own funds that are deployed eagerly to curry favour and hopefully claim new lands or those of nobles that have lost favour. Despite these restraints the military is the largest in all of Falarin when fully marshalled and can be easily bolstered by that of their Seronan vassal. Use of the military does however remain somewhat unpopular as nobles are forced to pay for their own soldiers when they are raised.   Knightly Orders are common among the landless aristocracy with many younger siblings joining orders to find glory and dignity in doing services for the state or facing great threats. In war many of these orders are enlisted by nobles to fight alongside their own forces or volunteer themselves for personal glory.   Veteran soldiers are also prioritised in many roles in the state considered beneath the nobility and beyond the interest of the church. This process allows soldiers to both fight with a rewarded belief that their efforts can grant them a better future but also the knowledge that veterans have likely played some role in their training or strategising.   The Celian Navy is also a formidable force and the largest on the sea giving it substantial maritime trading power. The ships are however largely coastal and struggle traveling much farther than the island of Taramot with the Elves of Liadon often thinking little of their capabilities. The Navy faced a major setback following the last war with Milesia though a significant effort by a cabal of nobles, back by the Emperor, has seen a hasty restoration of the Celian noble with modernised ships albeit crewed by inexperienced seamen.   The Celian Tathamite Church also possesses its own military forces. Inquisitors can often be seen following behind the military to root out heretics and deserters that undermine the military. Templars while uncommon in smaller engagements can often be seen leading the vanguard against enemy magi in larger engagements. Those of magic ability who are almost all trained at the Imperial Academy of the Arcane, run by the church, can also be seen in some form in nearly every Celian army whose ruler maintains the good will of the church.


The Empire of Celium possesses the grandest city in Falarin as its capital which itself has significant economic might. Within the city various artisans and merchants exist and thrive with some services that no other land can offer. Within Rólen the Ivory Tower acts as the center of the Imperial Academy of the Arcane, the largest magical academy in Falarin, which provides various magical services to boost the economy.   Outside Rólen the land is almost entirely agricultural with the various castles having small micro-economies for the peasants to trade. The aristocracy as such often spend as much time as possible within the capital often viewing their own homes as boring and mundane.   The navy of Celium also grants it significant command of regional maritime trade with only the Istrian fleet coming close to challenging it. This naval predominance has furthered the economy of Rólen and ensured Celium significant power. While this has taken a hit following Milesia’s growth Celium has managed to maintain its control of the field.
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