Daggersun General Goods

The Daggersun Family trys to keep Daggersun General Goods outside of the conflict that tends to embroil their neighoburhood.    A modest sized shop, Daggersun deals in general purpose goods - selling to many of the families of the Dagger District, as well as to some in the Mace District. The building is mid sized, with two floors and a back bay for loading in goods. It has a small wooden fence encricling it.


Daggersun General Goods is managed by William Daggersun, who deals in the day to day while his Lydia handles shipping and recieving. They employ 5, 2 help Lydia in the back while 3 (including one of their children) handles the front of store on various days. 

Notable Employees

  • Mary Daggersun, Human, Female, Late Teens, Cleaner and Front Desk
  • Mart Hollowhouse, Halfling, Male, Appears Early Twenties, Stockkeep
  • Edva Reen, Owlin, Late 30s, Stockkeep 
Shop, Generic
Parent Location