Middle Row General Goods

Built for the 'nobility' and upper classes servants and hired help to get general supplies without having to venture further out, Middle Row mostly services its target audience as well as though within the Middle Row. A quaint building run by a family from Vanreth, the shop isn't very large but it does usually have what one would need.


Middle Row employs 4 people, the owner Hugo, his wife, and their twin sons.  

Notable Employees

  • Elma Twovalor, Half Elf, Female, Mid 40s, Front Counter
  • Hagen Twovalor, Human, Male, Mid Teens, Shipping & Cleaning
  • Baldwin Twovalor, Human, Male, Mid Teens, Shipping & Cleaning
Shop, Generic
Parent Location


Name Description Cost
Backpack A backpack able to carry 30 lbs of gear. 2gp
Bedroll A cozy bedroll for sleeping. Comes in a variety of colors. 1gp
Blanket A soft wool blanket. 5sp
Block & Tackle A set of pulleys and cables. 1gp
Book See next table. 1gp
Candle A single wax candle. 1cp
Chalk A single stick of chalk. White, blue, or pink. 5cp
Chain (10ft) A set of 10ft chain, which has 10hp. 1cp
Clothes, Common A set of clothes commonly worn by the average folk. 5sp
Clothes, Travelers A set of clothes commonly worn by the average folk. 5sp
Firelighter A silver rod a few inches long with a maroon cap on one side. When the command word "Efferi" is said, the red side ignites into flame like a torch. 10gp
Fishing Tackle A set of bobbers, a rod, line, and hooks for fishing. 1gp
Tinderbox Flint, firesteel, and tinder for making a fire. 5sp
Everink A quartz crystal that is sealed and yet filled with ink. When a pen is tapped to it, the pen is refilled with ink. This crystal never runs out. 10gp
Tinderbox Flint, firesteel, and tinder for making a fire. 5sp
Tracepaper When placed over something, say the command word "Cairn". The tracepaper will copy the image beneath in a few seconds. There is a blue stamp on each pieces bottom corner. 1gp
Kit, Healers A kit of bandages, salves, and splints. 10 uses, can be used to stabilize creatures. 5gp
Lamp A lamp, casting bright light for 15 feet and dim for 30. Requires oil. 5sp
Oil (Flask) A flask of oil, most likely animal fat. 1sp
Paper (One Sheet) A single sheet of paper. 2gp
Pouch A small carrying pouch. 5sp
Rope, Hempen (50 feet) 50 feet of woven rope. 1gp
Soap A bar of soap. Fruit, oaky, and natural smells available. 2cp
Tent, two-person A cozy tent able to fit 2 people. 2gp
Rations (1 day) A single days worth of dried fruits, meats, and breads. 5sp
Sealing Wax A bottle of wax for sealing mail. 5sp
Waterskin A waterskin made of animal leather. 2sp

Available Books

Name Description Author
Blood on the Sword A popular murder mystery about a killing under the sword in the Hilt.  .T
101 Requiem Recipes A cook book on Requiem dishes.  Godfrey Vass
The Myth A biography on the members of the famed mercenary band Myth. Luke Stylle
Dusk A romance novel about a woman falling for a Vanrethian Vampire viscount.  Pavia Bernon
Broadhead A war history book on the famed Dreadshot Group, a group of archers who were instrumental in helping Requiem become united. Thomas Bosby
Wings of Gold A dramatic retelling of the life of Mazarus, the Owlin who first wielded Convergence. Esoph Pylett
The Hound of Orelin A popular book on a popular legend regarding the Hound of Orelin, a figure of violence. Matthew Goode